Know What Makes your Wife Tick:
You need to know why she is uniquely different from you and other women you’ve met and why she acts the way she does. Having this knowledge helps you to fully appreciate who she is and relate well with her.
1. Understand her nature as a woman. The Bible describes a woman as a “weaker vessel”, because of her fragile nature, both physically and emotionally. Study her physiological and psychological make-up. Take time to understand how women are different from men in these areas. See her as naturally different from yourself. When you try to see and understand your wife from a man’s perspective, you will not truly know her. According to an anonymous writer, the reason is because, “A W-O-M-A-N is actually What Our Men Are Not.” She is so different, that the man who marries her has to literally learn her ways in order to understand and enjoy this bundle of precious delight called wife.
It established that females often experience mood swings more than males and more quickly too. A woman may be excited one minute but could turn moody the next if something is bothering her. Different hormonal changes take place in a woman from puberty to menopause, which make her make-up very complicated. There could be some specific changes in her mood or behaviour during her monthly cycle (ovulation to menstruation) due to some hormonal changes. Understand that these changes may affect her emotions at different times. Other causes of moodiness in a woman could be stress, lack of sleep, depression, anxiety, etc. This understanding will help you relate better with your wife, especially during specific periods in her life like PMS(Pre-menstrual syndrome), pregnancy periods, Pre-menopause and menopause. Therefore, you are expected at such times to show her affection and understanding. Anticipate the changes, and when they occur, talk with her about it and determine to deal with them wisely and gently. Don’t ignore her but communicate with her because she could develop an ill feeling towards you and gradually withdraw into her shell.
2. Understand her upbringing: Everyone of us grew up within the circumference of an environment, which in turn has a bearing on our lives. The upbringing a person has always influences the person’s actions and outlook on life. Your wife may respond to some issues in a certain way because of her upbringing. This is why it is important for you to deliberately seek to understand her background. Some women respond to men or situations in a certain way because of what they have learnt from their mothers. A mother who has had a loveless marriage, for example, may teach her daughter that finding true love is a mirage. She may teach her not to expect to find happiness in a man. Consequently, such a daughter will grow up with the mentality that a wife cannot be truly loved by her husband. It is wisdom for you as the husband, therefore, to understand your wife’s history and where she is coming from.
3. Understand her need for companionship: Additionally, you must understand that she needs your compassion. Some have argued that women are more concerned than men about the marriage vows. This is true, and for a good reason too. When marriages break, those that suffer more emotionally are the wives. The woman’s sense of security is determined by whether or not she really feels United with her husband. Any sign that gives her the feeling of isolation from her man collapses her defence. Give her the assurance of a partner, be a team player. Your wife will always crave for your attention; don’t make her feel neglected and unwanted. Often times, men fear they’ll lose the respect of their wives if they admit their need of them. But the reverse is the case because when you make your wife a participating partner in the home, she’ll see her relevance in your life, develop more confidence in herself, and she’ll respect you even more.
4. Understand Her Love Language: Know what makes her feel loved. Different love Languages will speak to different women. What works for one might not work for the other. So, be altruistic and loving. Invest the time and effort to learn what your wife considers her love Language. Then do those things on a regular basis. Know that a wife would respond affectionately to the loving touch of her husband. But she’d tend to feel used when it appears that the only physical touch her husband offers is just to satisfy his need for sexual intimacy. Regular and habitual nonsexual touches such as hugs, pecks and holding her hands will make your wife feel loved and valued. When you shower love and affection on her, she will automatically love and respect you in return: Ephesians 5:25: “Husbands, love your wives [seek the highest good for her and surround her with a caring, unselfish love], just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,”
Ephesians 5:25 AMP
“Even so husbands should and are morally obligated to love their own wives as [being in a sense] their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own body, but [instead] he nourishes and protects and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church,”
Ephesians 5:28-29 AMP
5. Know Her Tastes and Values – What She Likes and Appreciate: Study her disposition, that is, her attitude and reaction to changes and circumstances. Remember, the Bible describes her as a “weaker vessel “ because of her fragile nature, both physical and emotional. She could easily be wounded in the heart; hence, do not trample on her emotions. Love and be generous to her. Spend time to listen to her and to know how she feels. As I have said, a woman craves for attention. So, don’t make her feel neglected or unwanted.
6. Understand her strengths and weaknesses: it’s also important that you take the time to understand her strengths, weaknesses and limitations. Appreciate her strengths and help her work on her weaknesses. By so doing, she will know she is loved and it will bring out the best of her character. Study her personality and tendencies.
Take notice and appreciate her for the little things she does.
Remember, whatever is going on in the world around you, JESUS loves you and He cares for you also.
Rapture is Imminent
Be Prepared!
God bless you in JESUS Mighty Name Amen 🙏.
Mrs Angelinah Olubunmi Peters
My LORD JESUS Is Alive In me