Hey darlings!
You know how people say the love you feel when you have a child is like none other? They’re absolutely correct. Just the thought of him brings joy to my heart; like I can be on the treadmill and his smile randomly flashes across my memory and it makes me blush!

It’s the reason why I haven’t shared his beautiful face on social media; he’s so precious to me and though I pride myself in the fact that I’m very calm, if I saw a negative comment about my boy…I don’t think my calmness would extend to such – so I’d rather not even create the opportunity for someone to say upsetting things altogether. Of course I gladly share his beauty with trusted loved ones and people take photos with him when they visit so I’m not against the act, but knowing how many followers I have across my social media accounts, it doesn’t take much for my posts to go beyond my usual followers to reach the sadistic people that never have anything good to say.

When I think of how strongly I feel about my son, it makes me shudder knowing there are people who can harm their own children. Like how could they override this super strong feeling and go as far as causing pain to their own body’s product? It’s unfathomable. Like, there have been so many times I wake up just seconds before my son starts stirring to wake up – pre-childbirth me could sleep through a thunderstorm loool – but now my sleep is so light and I just intuitively know when he needs me.
Even the concept of breastfeeding, everytime i see how much comes out of each pumping session I’m still blown away that my body now produces another human’s sole form of sustenance. It’s mind boggling.

I always thank God for this blessing in my life, sometimes I’m holding him and I have to audibly tell myself he’s really here. You’d think the realization of his existence would be cemented by now having had a whole 9 months inside me to come to terms with it lol, but no, I’m just as excited at his presence each time I see him! Having experienced this, I pray that God answers the prayers of every person praying for their own children, this joy should be experienced by those yearning for it.
Till next time,
Dr ETK xo