It’s time for the Prize No. 2!This prize is for the guys but ladies are free to enter can feel free to enter and win it for a guy haha!
We want our male winner to look extra snazzy when he goes for dinners so we’ve decided to give him:
A Satin black tie
A pair of Tie Clips
A fashionable long line T-Shirt (Large)
Okay so here’s the requirements:
1. Post the image of the prize you want on your Instagram/Twitter/Facebook and the hashtag #ETPBlogAt2
2. In your caption say what you like about the blog and
3. Answer this question in the BLOG COMMENTS SECTION: Who writes the For Butterflies Column?
And that’s it! Good luck! Keep an eye out for the next set of prizes for the girls!
#ETPBlog #ElizabethTPeters