Hey lovelies!
I hope you’ve had a fruitful week? This week I successfully got a great deal for our home’s broadband and it was a big deal because I had to haggle the same company via three different channels to get it after realizing that moving to a new provider would take time, cost more and be an overall more strenuous endeavor.
After succeeding, I thought back on how I got this experience to know that this was something I could do – there was a period after finishing med school that I moved back into my parent’s home but they didn’t live there anymore, so my siblings and I were responsible for the bills. It was during that period that we learnt how to haggle bill providers for the best deals – because it was literally our money lol.
While it was not fun seeing the money leave our accounts lol, it helped us build credit (essential in the UK) as well as taught us how to handle bill providers – a number of them will try their luck with sending outrageous bills thinking you’d be too naive to challenge them – not us lol.
So it’s a no-brainer that I use those experiences in my own home to cut back on our bills where possible – Samuel is always so grateful for the way I sort this stuff out because from when he moved to the UK, prior to our marriage, he had stayed in accommodations that were bills inclusive – so he never experienced any of that. Amazing how marriage has a beautiful way of balancing out your strengths and weaknesses right!
Anyways my take home for you guys today is to ask yourself “could my bills be cheaper?” And find out from your providers – every little helps!
Till next time,
Dr ETK xo