Happy Sunday darlings!
I hope you’re all having a brilliant weekend, today I woke up thinking about the fearful fixation on one’s enemies and constantly having to guard against the “evil eye” of people that didn’t wish you well. I grew up being told not to share my travel itinerary with people, not telling people about a new job until I’ve been in it for a while and many other similar measures all in a bid to prevent them from harming me with their evil ways.
Funny enough, concurrently I was taught to trust in the Lord my God and that He is the God almighty and there is none like Him in heaven or on earth. He is the great I Am that I Am – He’s all powerful and incomparable – and He’s on my side and protects me always. How amazing right?
So now that I’m grown, I have had a chance to challenge the first belief system – I can’t truly believe that my God is the Greatest if I’m also thinking of how I will protect myself from evil people, as if to say my own preventive measures can ever match up to God’s protection! The two beliefs cannot coexist – so I choose Jehovah Jireh and I trust that He will always protect and deliver me. I wholeheartedly believe in His Word which says He will never leave me nor forsake me – so I forsake living in fear of the evil one and I cling onto living in love and safety with my Lord.
Take solace knowing that you are on the winning side when you walk with the Lord Almighty – the battles are already won!
Till next time,
Dr. ETK xo