Hey everyone !!!
I wanted to keep this under wraps till I officially got the award in my own two hands but the way the story has unfolded has made me just have to tell you guys all about it as e dey hot!
So unfortunately I wasn’t able to go to get the award myself due to circumstances beyond my control but guess who stepped in for me?
My very own parents!
Yup, Dr and Mrs Peters went to the ANUCA Awards 2016 on my behalf and my mom even went the extra mile to wear my branded top!!
Turns out that not only did I win the award, I was also awarded a free Smile Wifi Router by the CEO of Smile Network complete with free Gigabytes – so as to boost the blog even further!
As if that wasn’t enough, my dad was invited to present the award for not one not two but FIVE award categories! Let’s just say my parents are super proud as I am super grateful to have people like them as my own!
So to everyone that voted – the entire Peters Family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts, may people gather to propel you when you need it too in Jesus Name!
Till next Thursday,