Hey everyone it’s great to have you with us here at ETPBlog again!
Some of you may know that I love planning events but Medical school got the best of my time for a while so I couldn’t continue for some time – but with every passion, a way is always found to make things work and so ladies and gentlemen, I present my first event since 2014 – Bowen Top Model (BTM)!
Check out the contestants on Instagram: @SoftskinnedLiz !
Whilst I was at my former school I took part in the first edition of ATM and it was super great working with Nicole Adehi (Valeo) so now that I’m in a new school, we decided to bring the brand here – and it’s been fun so far! We’ve had two photoshoots and the models, make up artists, stylists and photographers have been promising – but there can only be one Top Model – at the grand finale this Saturday!
Plus, the Bowen Awards are on going – follow this link to cast your votes and get the right person the awards they deserve! – ElizabethTPeters.com/Bowen-Awards
I can’t wait to tell you how it all goes down!