Hi, this is for my friend;The other day you asked me a question, seemingly flippant but with maybe just a hint of seriousness you do not usually possess (this is not shade, I actually want to be like you when I grow up loll), you wanted to know if a girl could like 2 guys at the same time in the same way and if that was possible, how does one discern which one she does like better. Well I would give you a simple answer but being the kind of person I am, I’d like to explain meticulously why my answer is what it is; what’s a woman?
I couldn’t possibly answer that question wholly, because most time I’m clueless myself but follow me for a minute, will you?
Here comes a slippery mess that’s screaming it’s tiny lungs out in a protest to the change in ambience and possibly the sudden bright light, she’s cleaned and warmed and finally daddy gets to see the work (mind my language, will you?) he made with mummy “congratulations, it’s a girl”, he puts his finger in hers and she closes her hands around it and with that single reflex, she’s got his heart in the palm of her hands. Little wonder why momma is better at scolding than he is, why he cries along with her whenever she’s seriously ill and the doctors ask him to just pray and hope for the best, why he gets so pissed whenever he hears she’s being bullied in school, why he’s so patient at teaching her how to write a composition about herself and simultaneous equation and projectile motion and then when she becomes a teenager, why they fight so much because he’s afraid that she’ll give everything she has to a boy who would change his mind. Then she meets a boy…
His legs are a little bit too long, his nose a little large, he’s a little bit too blessed with melanin, but he can talk his way outta anything and he made her laugh all the time. School becomes fun because of him and talking to him always makes her feel good, she likes him but it will be a cold day in hell before she approaches him first and so she smiles at his jokes in class and cries along to teardrops on my guitar in her room. Along comes another boy, he’s not as funny or as witty as mela over there but he’s lighter and he’s cuter and guess what-he likes her, and so it begins- booboo starts learning to make her choices in the matter of the heart. Of course when you’re 16 and somebody tells you they love you, you’re going to believe them, so along comes the first heart break, and the second and so on… with every new guy, there are new choices, with every old guy, there are new lessons and new immunity against the antigen that is emotion.
And then there’s the matter of what makes a woman feminine, it is called influence. the queen herself took it upon her very sexy and powerful self to inform everyone of the age old open secret that we all never admit (men due to ignorance or ego and women due to the fact that we’d like to keep them that way) that girls run the world, whether you want to admit it or not they do, the world wouldn’t be fun without us, all you’d have is soccer and it would make for a poor bed mate. How do we run the world you ask? It’s by influence. The world as we know it has always been patriarchal in nature yet there’s been really powerful women who have themselves ruled their worlds and at one point or the other have even influenced more powerful men to do their bidding starting with Helen of Troy, Boadicea, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Wallis Simpson and so many historical figures who have silently influenced changes in the world system; Helen was the face that sunk a thousand ships, Boadicea after being flogged and her daughters raped led an army (of men of course) against the Roman empire during Nero’s reign, and Joan of Arc the virgin warrior, Cleopatra the last Pharaoh of egypt renowned for her beauty had an affair with Julius Caesar and then Mark Anthony to keep her nation a sovereign empire and Wallis? She made a guy abdicate his throne to marry her, booboo the things y’all will do for a woman who knows her onions are limitless. The power of influence in my book is what separates a mere female from a real woman (disclaimer: this is just my own opinion). This is what a woman does to man; her words, her silence, her nuances consciously or unconsciously stimulates the response she wants, God help the girl who doesn’t know how to wield the sword of influence and for the girl that does, God help the world around her! I don’t expect everyone to agree with my theory but in time, we’ll all learn that it is what it is.
So to your simple question of whether a girl could like two guys at the same time the same way, well she’s an embodiment of emotion so yes it is very possible, as to how to know which one she likes better… well you’re on your own there bro, if she’s the girl that knows her onions and the simple advantage in being feminine, no one can help you with that; if you’ve got the balls to stick around, do. Show her why you’re worth her while maybe, just maybe she’ll come around. If you’re too afraid of the emotional turbulence you could go through if she doesn’t or you think she isn’t worth all that, maybe it’s high time you packed your bags and baggage and left, just saying….