Guys the holidays are officially here!!!!! I always have something to be falsely excited about being a Pop culture lover but now it’s genuine. I love Christmas! Red! Green! Red and Green!!! Roll your eyes all you want, I cannot see you *laughs*. The snow! (Only in movies, I’m a born and bred Nigerian and the closest to snow I’ve ever seen is Ice block).
The holiday season always is spectacular and comes with plenty celebration. In fact Christmas parties are usually the highlights of the year for most and some of the biggest turn ups people can experience. Of course our modern popstars are aware of the immense festivities of this period and thus most try to cash in on the yuletide by doing the classic: releasing a Christmas album.
It’s almost textbook for every musician at the beginning of their heyday to release one of such albums, usually covers of Popular carols to try to capture the really young and really old age groups who are more prone to singing along (the rest of us have work to do). The albums are usually unoriginal, rushed and are forgotten almost as soon as are released, but some artists have still managed to find popularity and a widespread audience with their own songs – These ones have two heads. In the spirit of Christmas, my generous self has compiled a Top Ten Guide for you, so you can add these to your playlists come next week Friday, put on your Christmas sweaters (or any sweaters; it’s actually really cold) and while sipping eggnog (for Nigerians Hollandia Yoghurt will do) dance to some sweet sweet yuletide music. You can thank me later. Here it goes:
Bad Gal Riri has definitely come a long way since the days of “SOS” and “Unfaithful”, but listening to this track will transport you back to those times. It’s slow and sweet, reminiscing about an old lover. That’s before she found love in a hopeless place.
With all the Benjamins (US Dollars are so called because they have the picture of Benjamin Franklin on them, you are welcome) Taylor is making now, you wouldn’t believe she also fell to the commercial tactic of releasing Christmas songs. But it was a fair attempt. Deep rooted in her unique approach to country music, she ponders on the true meaning of all the pomp surrounding the holidays.
A voice to behold, Kelly uplifts this beautiful song, bringing it to life with her sweet rendition. Even if she sang “Trap Queen” as a Christmas song it would still make the list. Just breathtaking.
This Throwback almost makes me tear up. Cute Lil Breezy, every young girl’s crush at the time, with his crazy moves and charming voice during the “With You” era. The song came out with the movie “This Christmas” starring Idris Elba, Regina King, Columbus Short (Harrison from early days of Scandal) and Chris himself. The song is very groovy as per the breezy style, but the star is the vocal prowess. Really Chris, I almost forgot you had it in you.
I actually remember the year this song came out. I was starting high school. My jammmmmm! Nothing like when three very talented women put a spin on a rigid Christmas classic. This song is actually fresh. Nothing else can describe it. Listen to the song and see if I’m lying. Even if I am, you can’t beat me *tongue out*. Now they are all big girls and will not even follow us back on Instagram. God dey.
Who can forget Glee? (If you knew it before in the first place). The stimulating, original, creative show that stole our hearts with its musical arrangements and cultural diversity! Glee was an enigma and the Glee Cast gave us some of the best covers of songs! Ever!! Christmas songs were not spared; two Carol albums (2010 and 2012) cemented their place in Jingle Bell history and brought new age renditions of some of our favorite oldies. “Last Christmas” is melodious, warm and very easy to sing along to. Plus it was led by Rachel and Finn. *wipes tear*.
Yes Britney, Yes. The woman can do it all. And do it better. This song is heartfelt, laidback and truthful. It’s about being single and wanting a boo in this cold festive season, something we can all relate too. I know I can! Stop forming, we are all single together because even your boo get a ___
“O Holy Night” might just be my favorite Christmas carol. For real men you know warram sayin’? Glee has made its mark on music; but possibly its biggest vocal superstar has been Lea Michele (Rachel Berry). Her version of “O Holy Night” at a NYADA Showcase in Season Four secured her place in the school’s Hall of Fame and in the hearts of millions across the globe. Rich, well arranged, flexible, perfect. That was polished singing at its peak. Believe me her character made me nauseous. But that performance? C’est magnifique.
Except if the person beating it is Mariah “The Queen of Song” Carey. Her version at an event live in Los Angeles is one of the most downloaded versions of the song; flushing out hands down numerous studio versions.
Remember the old fresh faced Justin? Well not exactly during the “Baby” phase but just before the “As Long As You Love Me” and Shirtless Episodes era. Yes that Justin. He released a No 1 Christmas album which had some quite enjoyable original songs; even dueting with the Queen, Mariah Carey. Mistletoe is catchy, sweet, romantic, light and fun, all that there is to love about the Christmas spirit.
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe. Oh Justin, you don’t even have to ask.
You are alive. You have not been living under a rock. Come on. You know this song. Stop playing. One of the best selling Christmas records of all time, this song is the ultimate Christmas release and Wows every new age group that is born to meet it. What more can I say? Chances are you will hear it again very much in the coming weeks. Please don’t chew mouth. Go and learn the lyrics. I’ve warned you. All I really want for Christmas is you guys, My Press Play People. Oya blush.
Christmas songs can be heartwarming and make you elated even when it’s not the season and if you want a modern take, you will not find better songs than those listed here. Listen to them. Enjoy them.
I wish you guys a Happy Holiday Season and A Very Merry Christmas. Drink moderately and remember the true meaning of the Yuletide Period. And if you are throwing any parties, you better INVITE ME!!!!
I’ll be here.
BoomBox Hero.