
The Teacher

Comments (6)
  1. SamuelKING says:

    So so deep! Insightful!

    1. Gloria says:

      Thank you Samuel

  2. SamuelKING says:

    Am blessed! I’ll arise and shine for my light has come!

  3. Aris says:

    A negative experience teaches you if you have enough mental strength and judgment to go back, deconstruct the experience and really know the reasons why it happened the way it did. As long as you are not able to do it, you will not learn anything from it.

    As for the abused child who later became an abuser, there is no way he can be able to deconstruct the whole situation and see through it himself, he needs the help of a clinical psychology doctor to unravel the whole issue, and only God knows if that will help.

    I think “When people say experience is the best teacher” we are not including people that were abused and badly socialized to learn from it.

    1. Gloria says:

      I agree with your statement, but in reality, humans are less likely to face a bad experience head on so as to get something positive out of it, our most likely reaction is to run away to keep in the deepest of our subconscious and let it seep through tiny cracks we aren’t aware of, experience teaches us, it is just what it teaches that is the question.

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