Knowing that no one gets away with anything
scot-free is all the consolation I need in times of painful betrayal. For
anyone who has been reading my blog right from the start, you’d know that it
was a case of betrayal that led me to start this blog in the first place. Ah,
that time the pain was as fresh as a knife wound, but hey, it started off a good thing right?
scot-free is all the consolation I need in times of painful betrayal. For
anyone who has been reading my blog right from the start, you’d know that it
was a case of betrayal that led me to start this blog in the first place. Ah,
that time the pain was as fresh as a knife wound, but hey, it started off a good thing right?
The style of my latest case
of betrayal was classic – a mole.
of betrayal was classic – a mole.
But see this mole not only betrayed several
people who trusted him/her, no, this mole went further and beyond the scope of
his/her assignment. This mole, after stabbing us metaphorically still came
around as a lovely nurse only to pour salt into our wounds.
people who trusted him/her, no, this mole went further and beyond the scope of
his/her assignment. This mole, after stabbing us metaphorically still came
around as a lovely nurse only to pour salt into our wounds.
This mole continued life as though totally
free of any wrongdoing and weaved their way amidst their victims as though all was well.
free of any wrongdoing and weaved their way amidst their victims as though all was well.
This mole; is convinced he/she has gotten
away with the ill deeds that were committed.
away with the ill deeds that were committed.
But I know better. I know that I serve a
God who said, “Vengeance is mine” and
not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.” I
also know my God never sleeps nor slumbers so he definitely knows what this
person did. So I’ll go on with my life as normal, and I’ll leave it to
God who said, “Vengeance is mine” and
not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.” I
also know my God never sleeps nor slumbers so he definitely knows what this
person did. So I’ll go on with my life as normal, and I’ll leave it to