11. Wives love Husbands who protect them from the harassments of their in-laws. They want men who will show them love, by standing up for them when their in-laws harass or maltreat them.
12. Women do not appreciate it when their husbands compare them with other women. They expect their Husbands to love them unconditionally.
13. Wives wish that their husbands would constantly affirm their love and commitment to them. The response of virtually all the women interviewed is that they wish their husbands would affirm they love them by saying those wonderful words, “I love you”, as many times as possible even in a day. They claim it is a statement that makes them want to overstretch themselves for their men without looking back. One of them said, “You’re nobody until somebody loves you”.
14. Women love Surprises. A lot of women wish their husbands would demonstrate their affection for them by buying them a surprise gift or present, just to show the men are thinking of them when they are not together. The gift does not have to be expensive.
15. Women hate when their husbands forget important dates. Women said they get hurt when their husbands forget special dates that are important to the relationship, like their wedding anniversary.
16. Women want men to appreciate both their physiological and emotional make-up. Our self-esteem is boosted by the respect and honour others give to us, especially our loved ones. Therefore, wives expect their husbands to understand their temperament and appreciate them for who they are. They love men who would publicly defend them before those who truly don’t know or understand why they act the way they do. They crave their Husband’s acceptance.
They want their men to be happy, healthy and successful in life. Some women, especially Christian women respondents, said they want their husbands to be happy, healthy and successful in life and ministry throughout their lifetime.
18. Wives said they feel more inclined to respond to their husbands physical intimacy later in the day when they connect with them emotionally and were loving, considerate and romantic all day. They claim it is sour and unexciting submitting to men who treat them like trash in the daytime, but want to make love to them at night. If they submit in this situation, it is only to keep peace at home.
19. Women wish their men would buy clothes for them as they buy for themselves. They claim most men buy clothes only for themselves under the guise of “I need it for my office image”. Women too need to look neat and presentable. They wish their men would be selfless and generous, especially with clothing their wives. They should not wait for their wives to ask before they do so.
20. Most women want their husbands to support the women’s family the same way they support their own family. “It promotes love” they claim.
To be continued …
Happy New Month.
Rapture is Imminent. Be Prepared!