But before that, let us recognise a few signs of a boring marriage.
Signs your Marriage Is Boring:
There are many visible signs that show there is boredom in your marriage. Here are a few of them.
1. You are married to your job instead of your spouse. When you are so busy with work that you become insensitive to the plight or needs of your wife, that’s a sign. When you don’t support her in domestic duties and in meeting the needs of the children, or you even neglect the male-oriented jobs around the home such as taking the car to the mechanics, changing flat tyres, and fixing the washing machine because you always bring official work home and don’t care about any other thing, your marriage will be boring.
2. You don’t prioritise your wife and family: when you are preoccupied with the needs and problems of or you care more about your friends, relations and other people more than your wife. When you are glued to the TV, play with your phone or stay with your computer all day, even when you are at home, and don’t give your wife attention. When you have exciting news share or you just need someone to talk to and the person you call is a friend, relation or church member instead of your wife who should be the closest person to you, it’s a clear sign that your marriage is no longer a happy one. Research shows that in healthy marriages, couples celebrate each other’s successes. If you’re giving someone else the good or bad news about yourself, then you’re replacing your wife emotionally.
3. You and your spouse have nothing to say to each other: When you no longer find it interesting to talk with your wife, and most times you don’t seem to have anything to talk about (except when you need to talk about the children). When you spend your hours at home chatting with someone on the Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or you’d rather hang out with friends than stay at home and have a tete-a-tete with your wife, then all is not well with your marriage.
4. You or your spouse is avoiding intimacy. A bit of romance or physical intimacy is needed to keep that spark in your relationship. When you need a romantic treatment from your wife and don’t get it or she needs it from you and you don’t give it, something has gone wrong somewhere in your relationship. A lack of romance will dampen the feelings of either of you.
5. You can’t remember the last time you openly or secretly showed affection to your wife. When was the last time you looked your wife in the eye and said to her, “I love you!” When you don’t feel comfortable to take her out or attend occasions with her. Or you’re impatient to wait until she’s ready so that you can go to church or occasions together. When you can’t open the car door for her, pull out a chair for her to sit in an occasion, or hold her hand in public, that’s an indication that there’s boredom in your marriage.
6. You don’t connect with your wife as a friend. Your wife should be your best friend. But when you find that you are unable to talk or laugh about things, you can’t freely express what’s on your mind, confide in her, objectively discuss your weaknesses and flaws; then you need help.
7. You envy other couples. Whenever you envy other couples and wish you have the kind of relationship they have, then your marriage definitely need igniting.
8. You are having frequent or increased quarrels and arguments. Every now and then, a light argument is normal in a marriage. But when you start disagreeing with almost everything your wife says, then you might cause a rift in the relationship. Frequent, heated arguments will cause your spouse to resent you.
9. You lose your sense of humour. You will start to see signs that your wife is bored in the marriage when you lose your sense of humour or the ability to make her smile. As you keep doing the things that she doesn’t like, she will become tired of you and lose faith in waiting for you to change.
10. You and your wife only talk about the children and daily running of the home. There’s a problem with your marriage when all you two talk about is the children and the day to day running of the home. You don’t talk about the pressure you are getting at work and how you feel concerning an issue or chatting and laughing together.
Coming Next:
Happy New Year!
Be Prepared. Rapture is Imminent!
Mrs Angelinah Olubunmi Peters
My LORD JESUS Is Alive In me