Continuation of God’s Expectations of A Husband.
Women naturally yearn for protection, and it is the responsibility of the husband to protect his wife. You must protect your wife against external aggression. You should not leave her at the mercy of intruders, especially your family or relations, nor allow her to be harassed by anyone. The only person that can save a woman from her in-laws after God is her husband. This is why you should be man enough to be your wife’s husband; marriage is not for baby boys.
A woman feels she is in hell when she gets married to a family where she is enslaved. She will prefer to have remained single, enjoying God’s Grace in her parent’s care than go through such an ordeal. It is not your mother’s duty to test your wife’s tolerance and home training skills through hard labour. This seems to be common these days, especially in African homes. At times, the husband sits and watches as his mother or siblings make his wife sweat profusely through hard labour when he knows, given her background, that she’s not used to such strenuous household chores. Even if she was brought up that way by her parents, your family should not use her like a camel.
Sometimes, the husband joins his family to mock or laugh scornfully at his wife, pointing out her flaws or weaknesses. That is disrespect of the highest order and sheer wickedness!
Protect your wife from your family’s harassment and maltreatment. In addition, don’t give confidential information about her to them, and never correct her openly. When correcting her, do it privately; don’t admit a third party into it. Correction and criticism are supposed to be like an operation in which an anaesthetic medication is first applied to the diseased part. Your correction will be very bitter and painful if anaesthetia is not applied. Before you correct your wife, make sure you have prayed. Love her, commend her good points and show genuine interest in her welfare. Having done all that, you gently and lovingly correct her. Protecting her also means honouring and respecting her. So, talk to her, don’t just talk at her.
Your wife and children should feel secure and relaxed, not terrified in your presence. Some women or children are petrified by the presence of their husbands or fathers. When the man is not around, the home is a safe haven for the woman and the children, but when he comes, they are uncomfortable and terrified because of his cold and cruel behaviour towards them. The family is not secured and protected by the man.
Besides physical protection, you are the spiritual watchman of the home. Protect your family against spiritual and demonic attacks. Like Job, always stand in the gap for them (Ezekiel 22:30): “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for [the sake of] the land, that I would not destroy it, but I found no one [not even one].”
Ezekiel 22:30 AMP
Job was always offering burnt offerings and praying for his children that God would have mercy on them if they erred. Be your family’s spiritual leader.
Communication is a vital ingredient of any successful undertaking, especially marriage. In Hebrews 13:16, we read “Do not neglect to do good, to contribute [to the needy of the church as an expression of fellowship], for such sacrifices are always pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16 AMP
A couple that communicates effectively usually has a harmonious relationship.
Communication in marriage will often be a sacrifice because the couple are expected to use their time, means, talents, and patience to impart, share and understand each other. Too often, men use communication periods as occasions to dictate, bark orders at, or threaten their wives. Communication in marriage should not be used to impose our values on, or embarrass our spouse.
To be continued..
By God’s Grace.
Trust HIM.
Happy New Month.
Thank you for the birthday wishes and prayers. As you have celebrated with me, you shall be celebrated in JESUS Mighty Name Amen 🙏. It is much appreciated.
I love ❤️ you all.
Mrs Angelinah Olubunmi Peters