You have probably heard women, may be your wife too, say to men, “You know nothing about women” Well, they are right. “What is the special or peculiar thing about women that I haven’t already known? you may ask. A lot!
Many men, including the married ones, don’t know many things about women; they don’t have a special education about the female gender. No wonder they are not able to make their wives happy, and their marriage is falling apart. As a man, you must know things about women generally and about your Wife specifically.
First, you must know about women’s physiological make-up. Women and men have different physiology. Women have a complex reproductive system. During menstruation and pregnancy, for instance, they have mood swings and changes in feelings because of the pain and inconvenience they are passing through. Most experience early morning sickness when they are pregnant. Some may be sick the entire term of pregnancy. Also, women sometimes use verbal fluency to make up for their lack of physical strength. Men must adjust to these aspects of physiological differences in their wives. They would need to extend extra measure of kindness and consideration to them during the period of pregnancy especially, and show understanding whenever they are experiencing mood swings. “Dwell with them according to Knowledge” (1 Peter 3:7). That’s the counsel of the Bible.
Second, know women’s emotional make-up. Psychologists say women are emotional than men. Specifically, women are believed to experience and express discrete emotions such as happiness, fear, disgust and sadness more than men. So, know your wife’s emotional needs and reactions, and try to meet those needs.
Finally, know what women wish their husbands knew; things they expect them to know about women generally and them in particular, including their thoughts, feelings, fears, worries, physiological and emotional make-ups, and share these feelings and emotions with them.
In this column, I will consider 30 things women expect generally from their spouses or wish their spouses knew about them. You can find your wife’s specific or particular expectations of you from this list. Though inexhaustible, the list is more or less the overall summary of all I have discussed about the ideal husband in the previous columns. It is the outcome of an interview conducted some time ago, on the subject: “What women wish their husbands knew about them, and what they expect their husbands to do for them”.
1. Wives want their husbands to communicate with them frequently. Communication is a priority to wives. A woman said, “When men talk about themselves, their wives give verbal and non-verbal support. Women are interested and engrossed with what their husbands have to say.” Unfortunately, some men appears to listen with only one ear when their wives talk. When they listen, all they probably want is the facts alone. Meanwhile, their wives have more to say to them. They want them to catch and identify with the feeling behind the story.
2. Wives want companionship from their husbands. After all, this is one of the major reasons for getting married. Women want their men to crave their company above all else, that no matter how busy, they should find time for moments of togetherness alone with their wives.
3. Wives also wish that their husbands would make provision for the family a priority. They want their husbands to provide for the needs in the family reasonably and on time, too.
4. Wives wish they would be genuinely respected for their roles as wives and mothers. They want to have the feeling of a person worth the duties they perform at home, and wish their husbands would appreciate them and say so. When men don’t show this appreciation, their wives feel inadequate, unappreciated and sometimes, worthless enslaved.
5. Women appreciate husbands who respect their views and opinions on issues. They feel loved when their men share their views and not dismiss their opinions as “woman talk”.
6. Wives appreciate commendations from their husbands. The task of raising children can be stressful, tiring and frustrating, especially when children are still very young. Wives said they would cope without complaining, nagging or being depressed if only their husbands would understand and commend them for doing an admirable job. But they complain that most men, unfortunately, don’t do that. They come home from work and ask their wives, “Darling, what did you do all day?” Especially when their food is not ready, implying through such question that they had been idle all day, and had not done anything worthwhile.
7. Christian wives admire and are proud of their husbands when they are committed and devoted to God’s calling. Women who are converted and have unbelieving husbands said their greatest desire is to see their husbands saved and serve God together with them.
8. They also wish their husbands are vast in and have a deeper understanding and application of the Scripture, so that they can take up their God-given position in the family as the Pastor, Prophet, and Priest of the home, directing things and taking decision according to God’s standard.
9. Women wish their husbands could vouch for their fidelity. They respect their husbands more when they can vouch for their fidelity.
10. Wives appreciate men who pay attention to the spiritual and moral upbringing of their children and the uplifting of their wives. They appreciate when their husbands pray with them on family issues. That way, the men gain their commitment and undying loyalty.
To be continued…
“But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: Redeem me, and be merciful unto me.”
Psalm 26:11 KJV
Be Rapture Ready. JESUS is coming soon.
Happy New Month and Happy Easter.
Mrs Angelinah Olubunmi PetersMy LORD JESUS Is Alive In me