As I walk further down the street
I notice another daughter of Eve
Looking ever so appealing
Nice figure, long hair
And lips perfect for sexual healing
Law of attraction in action
She looks at me and smiles
It looks awkward like she ain’t done it in a while.
I approach her
and ask what’s wrong,
She takes out her earphones and blames it on the song,
Says it makes her sad
Reminds her of her dad
And how he used to treat her.
Tells me all about her ex boyfriend and how he used to beat her
Tells me that she doesn’t remember how love feels.
and I’m like rahh
I was thinking baby girl you’re a star
But now that I’m close enough
I can see her scars
under the foundation and contour
The hurt she feels is raw
And her demeanour penetrated her concealer
And left her pain on display
Her mascara stained tears could never wipe the scars away
Taking all things into consideration
I had nothing to say;
The flattering words and pick up lines
I had prepared had escaped my mind
I simply couldn’t find
The right phrases and verbs required to free her from the perturbed state she was now in.
I just felt sorry for her.
And my face leaked the secret,
I started to say something , she told me to just leave it
Said she didn’t want none of my pity
It’s for that exact reason she left the city
She isn’t a slave to her past
She’d rather hop in a car and drive fast
With her speakers at full blast
until at last
She doesn’t feel it anymore.
She’d rather be numb
Than allow herself to feel dumb
By dropping her defences and opening up to a bum
Who’s gonna treat her like the scum that he is.
She now knows her worth.
Written by Isaac Peters, visit for more of his poetry.
Photography and Modeling by Joyce Peters, follow her Instagram for more of her work @_joycepeters_