This is a continuation of The earphones story which you can read here
I returned to the office to resume work for the day. I was so quick to try the earphones which I did and guess what? Your guess is as good as mine *hahaha* I could barely hear the sound coming from the phone. Alas! I got a fake one. No wonder I lost my peace right from when I bought the earphones at a cheap price. Immediately I took permission to step out of the office and hurried back to the vendor to return it.
As soon as I arrived at his place as promised earlier, I told him I’ll like to return the earphones and get a refund. I was about handing it to him when he ran to a nearby store to get me the original earphones that worked perfectly and loud when plugged to my phone. This time the vendor asked for an increase in the selling price because of the quality, compared to the cheap price and inferior quality. Then I walked back to my office with peace this time. *lol*
Let’s look at the scripture that says [Philippians 4:6-7] NLT
[6] Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
[7] Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceed anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
One of the natures of Christ and the fruit of the spirit is Peace. From the story I lost my Peace because of the cost price, I was wondering in my heart if I could easily get the best quality for that amount.
Can we say Peace is one of the litmus tests for our minds in whatever decisions we’re making? Absolute Yes! The Peace Christ gives is underrated in a confused and wicked world that we’re in. So, even in the midst of challenges or storms the peace of God can guide us through. We can tell if we made a right decision and choice with the peace of God in our hearts that surpasses all understanding.
Finally beloved, Revelation [3:11] NLT I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown.
The enemy (devil) will always fight the truth when you know this. So, hold fast that which you know which is the peace of God in every step, decision or choices you make steadfastly and don’t let the enemy tell you otherwise.
This is to tell you that if you don’t have peace concerning a decision please stop, pause, cut or withdraw. For me I returned the earphones, and because I did, I eventually got the original one. So, whatever actions you’re about taking and there is no peace please don’t force it. Instead pray about it and patiently wait on God for clarity or redirection.
God will give you a better choice or lead you into the best decision. And because he sees our heart, He will definitely respond with His word because he’s a good Father.
I Love & Celebrate my Readers!
Mercy’s Pen