Hi butterflies, it’s me again, my head’s in like a gazillion places per second but I’d like to share a thought with you today; the concept of half bread in relationships.
I’ve been getting those vibes lately, you know the ones now, those ones you get when you forgot to #SeizeTheBae2015 and it’s almost November ending. So probably, like yours truly, you’ve forgotten what it is not to be single, you even respond with “Yes I will” to the first handsome/beautiful face that says “how do you do?” (Now that’s a joke, I’m a classy girl like Meghan Trainor), you probably see those beautiful people with equally classy baes and you’re like what are they doing right that I’m not?! (See iyaf pain me die, lol).
Then along comes this Mr. Yoruba boy who just smoothly slides into your life –God in heaven is watching all of them o – just when you’ve finally decided to accept your fate in the singleton chronicles, you guys hit it off immediately, he makes you laugh and says all the right stuff while busy stealing a kiss or two, now your mind zooms off straight to marriage – my sister calm your nerves down – and you’re waiting for him to ask you out, you wait for it…wait for it…wait for it… (ok I’ll stop playing with my keyboard now) but the guy keeps mum and acts with the righteous indignation of the clueless. Maybe you’re as audacious as this girl here and you decide to ask ‘yo, you asking me out or nah?’ and trust him now Yoruba boy of life, he comes up with the standard line ‘I like you and I value our friendship so much, you have a beautiful mind, I don’t want to ruin what we have by putting a name on it’ translation – I like Netflix and chilling with you but I don’t want no girlfriend – *gasp* this from the bruv you’ve gone way past first base with! Well there you have it, his truth, now it’s left for you to define yours.
Hollup, hollup! Are you thinking what I think you shouldn’t be thinking but you’re thinking? Is that little birdie in your head telling you what I think it is? You strong-minded superwoman with just a hint of flightiness, are you considering staying and making him change his mind, because he says he likes you, does the single life suck that much that you’ll take this ‘great friendship’ over having your peace of mind and sense of security? mah gurl, I’ve got some things to say to you:
• If he ain’t feeling you now, he ain’t gonna be feeling you later
• He ain’t gonna be loyal; you’re his GREAT-friend not his GIRL-friend
• Your expectations will get the better of you because he’ll never meet them
• You’ll get your feelings involved and then you’ll start to hurt but it’s not him, it’s you
• Try to take as much from that great friendship of yours as possible but there’s no way you’re not going to feel like you gave more than you got, because of course you will
• When all is said and done babe, be sure to bite your lips and cross your knees to save the shred of dignity and pride you’ve got left
So my peepo, this is my take on situationships, have you looked at it objectively enough? Not from the ‘all my friends are in one and I’m feeling lonely’ angle; is half bread really better than none? Well I’ll leave you to answer that JAMB question for yourself but whatever you do, never forget to have fun with it and make sure not to have regrets at the end of the day. I’m sure of one thing though, you’re worth more than the whole loaf of bread and you shouldn’t settle for less.
Disclaimer: I’m a fan of TwitterNG so you probably know where the Yoruba boy thingy came from, this is in no way meant to excuse or single out any tribe or race, all na twitter bants.