I don’t think “I don’t know how to pray,”
is ever a valid excuse for prayerlessness. Did anyone ever teach you how to let
your mom know that you were hungry as an infant? No. Yet she always seemed to
understand you, be it by your incessant crying or just the innate bond between
a mother and child.
is ever a valid excuse for prayerlessness. Did anyone ever teach you how to let
your mom know that you were hungry as an infant? No. Yet she always seemed to
understand you, be it by your incessant crying or just the innate bond between
a mother and child.
That’s what it’s like with God. He knows
when you need something, He doesn’t require a well drafted business proposal
each time you want to present a request to Him. He just wants you to talk.
when you need something, He doesn’t require a well drafted business proposal
each time you want to present a request to Him. He just wants you to talk.
So I’m going to give you a quick rundown on
how to talk to God. Note: I’m not teaching you how to pray; Jesus already did
that (Matthew 6:9-13 aka The Lord’s Prayer) I’m just gonna give you a little
kick start : )
how to talk to God. Note: I’m not teaching you how to pray; Jesus already did
that (Matthew 6:9-13 aka The Lord’s Prayer) I’m just gonna give you a little
kick start : )
So first of all, you need to get somewhere
you can clear your mind. If that’s in your room, great, personally I go for a
walk; beautiful natural scenery really helps me connect. Next, talk out loud.
Greet Him like He’s your best friend, like your personal person. “Yo, it’s me
again” for example. Formality has a way of slowing conversations – so cut it.
you can clear your mind. If that’s in your room, great, personally I go for a
walk; beautiful natural scenery really helps me connect. Next, talk out loud.
Greet Him like He’s your best friend, like your personal person. “Yo, it’s me
again” for example. Formality has a way of slowing conversations – so cut it.
Pour your heart out. Everything. No holding
back whatsoever. Cry if need be. Make sure you don’t leave with any worries.
back whatsoever. Cry if need be. Make sure you don’t leave with any worries.
“Cast your
burdens unto Jesus for He cares for you.”
burdens unto Jesus for He cares for you.”