I dunno about you, but 2016 has been an awesome, awesome year for me. I’ll numerate some of my life lessons it to make it easier to understand how much I learnt. 😊
1. I learnt the beauty and simplicity in truly letting go and letting God. There are times when I was totally helpless, those were the times God showed himself.
2. I learnt that no matter how bad a situation is, God can turn it around. I entered this year with my ears full of terrible rumors about my family and I, but God turned it around. When I was praying for a turn around this time last year I had no idea what God would do – but He came through.
3. I learnt more about the beauty in little check-in messages, some people aren’t close to me but they let God use them to uplift me just at the right times, even though it felt random to them. THANK YOU – you all know who you are 💞
4. I learnt the importance of inner peace, it kept me afloat through the most fierce of storms, no wonder they call my best friend the Prince Of Peace ✌️
5. I learnt that there’s no part of your life that you can handle without God. Academics included – everything has to have God involved, I thank God for the victories He’s granted me 😭🙌🏽
6. I survived 2016!! They didn’t succeed in destroying me! 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Not many people understand the miracle in this statement, but the guys who know, KNOW!
All in all, I thank God for everything and everyone I met this year, even the wicked ones that have stolen from me, my God pass your attempts at causing me pain. I almost feel too greedy to ask for anything from God next year because of how good He has been this year, but I know his faithfulness is new every morning 😊
My message to you? Don’t let hardships force you to give everything to God – do it NOW!