Have you ever gotten a stray message on your phone? If you have, then the following incident will not be news to you. Femi and Bola were a couple whom neighbours, friends and relationsrespect and admire greatly. Each of them is pious. None engages in extra-marital dealings. There is peace in their hearts and home, but
on this fateful day, a stray message filtered into Bola’s cell-phone.
Femi, who reclined around the dinning table, together with his children reached out his hand to pick Bola’s phone, for this is a normal thing between them since none of them has a hidden agenda. On opening the inbox, what he saw startled him and nearly tore the peaceful family apart.
The message read thus:
“Sweetie, I look forward to meeting you at the hotel where we met yesterday. I enjoyed you yesterday and I’m asking for more. You looked very beautiful in the red attire you put on yesterday.
Take care my love”
Unfortunately, Bola wore a red dress the previous day. Femi was mad at Bola. He became angry,bitter,disappointed and completely lost himself. He refused to take his dinner and slept apart from Bola that evening.
He even almost sent her packing out of the house. It took divine intervention and the roles of well-meaning friends to save the marriage from disintegration. The children shared part of the ill-wind that blew between Femi and
Bola. Femi was at long last, convinced that it was a stray message, because friends who had received similar messages shared their
experiences with them.
The big lesson we should learn from this is that we should not be hasty in our judgement. Take the pains to inquire further. Don’t be negative in your perception. View happenings with optimism, until they are otherwise proved. If you hear a rumour that your wife or husband
is cheating, don’t believe it immediately. Many people have allowed precious relationships to become fractured because they believe the rumours.
That Anger! Hold it.
By ViCTOR D.O (@iamvictordo)