The number of times that someone has said to me “You don’t look like you can cook” should actually offend me, but then I think, what does a girl that CAN cook look like? As a viral tweet once said, does she have vegetables wrapped in her hair?
I’m actually tired of stereotypes. I remember sweeping in front of distant relatives as a child, and because I’m left-handed they all said, “That place she swept can never be clean.” Like – come on!
Or because I don’t wear make up or hair extensions that means I would judge the next girl and condemn her to Hell fire – just like that.
Can you imagine a world where nobody had pre-conceived ideas about anything or anyone and took everything as it came? No judgements, just take people as they are.
Beautiful place right?
You can start that change – give everyone a fair chance before making any rash decisions – then you can tell your children you helped make the world a better place 😀