Yes I know it is not a real word; but with
its rate of occurrence I think Oxford Dictionary’s next edition should
seriously consider its insertion.
its rate of occurrence I think Oxford Dictionary’s next edition should
seriously consider its insertion.
What is it? A “Situationship” is basically an undefined
“Let’s not spoil what we have with labels” – situationship.
“Let’s just have a good time and see where this goes” – situationship.
“What are we now?” “We are mere pencils in the hands
of the Creator” – SITUATIONSHIP.
of the Creator” – SITUATIONSHIP.
Sound familiar? This generation has more and more people who are unwilling to
commit, who want to remain “baby
boys/baby girls” for as long as possible; and so end up in situationships.
They are not in a relationship but their emotions are. Don’t deceive yourself.
commit, who want to remain “baby
boys/baby girls” for as long as possible; and so end up in situationships.
They are not in a relationship but their emotions are. Don’t deceive yourself.
Even within the church situationships occur. You’re not sure if the
person you are seeing is the “One” so rather than putting a label you get into a situationship – if the
person is right you can upgrade to a relationship and if not you can pretend
nothing happened. Win-win right? Wrong.
person you are seeing is the “One” so rather than putting a label you get into a situationship – if the
person is right you can upgrade to a relationship and if not you can pretend
nothing happened. Win-win right? Wrong.
The human alchemy of emotions doesn’t work that way. It is okay to
get it wrong sometimes; you learn and move on with new experiences that you can
share with those coming up after you.
get it wrong sometimes; you learn and move on with new experiences that you can
share with those coming up after you.
So, if you’re in a situationship today…you know what to do.