Hey people! So a friend of mine and I were having an amazing bible study experience that went into the wee hours of the day – yes it was that good. One thing we focused on that sort of blew my mind was the story about the woman that was caught in the act of adultery and was brought to Jesus to ask what should be done to her. (John 8:1-11)
We know the story, so I’ll just paraphrase it for this post, Jesus bent to write on the ground as though no one was speaking to Him and when they probed Him he basically said “whoever hasn’t sinned should be the first to stone her” and they all left her till she was alone with Jesus. He asked her, where are the people that condemned you? And she said they’d left – this is the ONLY THING she said to Jesus – then he said that He doesn’t condemn her either and that she should go and sin no more.
Listen – the woman never said sorry. She was literally caught in sin red handed without any hope of an excuse and Jesus forgave her without her asking. He just forgave her.
It’s hard to wrap your head around if you’re using “human sense” – how can I just forgive someone who isn’t even apologetic? But that’s the beauty of God – the wisdom of men is mere foolishness to Him. Whether you apologize or not His Love is unchanging. This doesn’t mean you have a free pass to sin, in fact it means the exact opposite – John 14:15 says “if you love me, keep my commandments” and we are to love Him because He first loved us.
If you love someone, the fact that they’ll always forgive you should urge you to not hurt them unnecessarily – do your best to live right, not just to go to heaven, but because of your love for God.
Till next time,
ETP xo