Hey lovelies! Today I’m writing to you all from the beautiful city of New York and I love it! I cannot wait to share all that has happened to me and my siblings since we got here! In the meantime, I’d like to talk to you about value.
In my life, right up to where I am now, I’ve found myself amidst people from different backgrounds and who’ve had different upbringing to mine, and it’s so easy to feel small, or overwhelmed due to self comparison with those that are richer or more famous or more powerful than myself. Today I’m gonna tell you all my little secret to dealing with these social dilemmas: self-value.
Yup, it’s as simple as that. Self-value keeps me grounded when surrounded by people that I feel have things that I don’t – I simply assess the situation and remind myself of my individuality. Let’s say I’m in a gathering of powerful people and we’re discussing hot topics, I’ve always got an input because I make it my duty to stay up-to-date with current affairs. This way, I’m active in the conversations and even if I’m not as connected as they are, I’ll certainly leave that place with a lot more connections than when I first entered it.
That’s just one example; I know my strengths and I know how to use them to my advantage – it’s my way of protecting myself from the ills of self comparison. I think it’s important that everyone uses this tactic because low self-esteem has this immense ability to prevent people from doing vital networking, making connections and it generally stops people from achieving their optimal potential.
Identify your strengths and own them.
Love & Peace