
See Me See Trouble

Comments (9)
  1. okeke says:

    This is just an observation…..Conversations are meant to be both ways, yeah. But some of the time girls are guilty of making it one sided by simply letting or depending on the guy to start, hold, and end the gist.There needs to be a kind of curiosity or interest from both parties.Sha, she actually told him they have nothing in common, It should have ended there. Nonetheless, I don’t blame him for trying.

    1. Gloria says:

      True that, but there has to be a conversation before it can go both ways. Picture this, I call and ask about how you are, then I tell you about my day without even asking for yours and then I tell you to take care, good day, that’s not a conversation, that’s a report. So conversations not reports go both ways, thanks for the comment, xoxo.

  2. Ayo says:

    Hi Gloria, this is good venting, but please can you give us (guys) an insight on what we could do differently in order not to screw things up for ourselves. This would be much appreciated.

    1. Gloria says:

      Now that would make for a brilliant article, wouldn’t it? I’ll see what I can do about that

  3. Mastarcard says:

    The articles is well written, I think I gained a bit from it…. Cheers gloria

    1. Gloria says:

      Thank you very much, I’m glad you did

  4. Thank you…thank you…Thank you…u just said everything Ive been feeling. …I was just complaining about some idiot who keeps asking me if ive eaten all the way from abuja and im in enugu…I could kill him

    1. Gloria says:

      Lmao, those are the worst yeah? One day tell him no and ask him if he wants to get food for you, they usually don’t expect that

  5. Looooooool at Tolu’s comment

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