The ting go skrrrrra, pa pa ka ka ka, that video makes me laugh every single time I watch it and I’m not ashamed to say it’s more than five times. it’s a Monday again, I’m sorry about that but take heart, for butterflies will cheer you up, well at least temporarily.
So I saw this post on Twitter ‘when your boyfriend introduces you to the squad and you find your soulmate’. It’s kinda funny because a friend of mine happens to be in a similar situation currently and he’s in a whole world of pain right now, it’s a cute and funny story, to me anyways, I don’t think he finds it as hilarious as I do – oh he’s the one who found the soulmate not the other way round. Cheers to you mate, chin up, it ain’t the end of the world yet.
So what’s for today, really… I’m not sure yet, so maybe you should just close this page yeah? OK OK, I know that joke is old, I’ll get on with it.
If you’ve been following my previous posts, you’ll know that I’m sort of in a discovery phase, I think discovering oneself is better late than never, isn’t it? It has actually been a fun adventure, these last few weeks or months thereabouts, learning to cut myself some slack and not take everything too seriously, but that’s not what I wanna talk about.
I think I have a schoolgirl crush! Yes, people still get those (or is it just me?). Not sure yet but I think so, I’ve been getting those silly butterflies in your tummy vibes lately and for a grown ass woman like yours truly, I happen to find it very hilarious and just a little bit discomfiting. I’m very dramatic in nature when it comes to these things and my mind never knows how to shut up about it, one minute it’s going ‘Lol, are you for real?’ with an eye roll, the next is ‘it’s not a crime, is it?’ with a tongue out. I swear two children live inside my head.
I’ve actually not had this in a really long time what with all that’s been going on, I think my brain is just trying to remind me that I am normal functioning heterosexual female. Jeez, I just took the fun out of the whole thing didn’t I?
I’m just gonna roll with it, I get bored of these things very easily so it’ll wear itself out eventually, these things always do, and as my guy said, MANS CAN NEVER BE HOT!!! That’s all for today’s confessional folks, we can all go back to our Mondays now, shoo.