The controversy that greeted the news first broken by Linda ikeji blog on the viral campaign that saw to the raising of funds for the surgery of a certain Ms Mayowa Ahmed who was diagnosed of Stage 4 ovarian cancer at Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH.) is best tagged misguided, inhumane and sheer wickedness. Before laying the facts bare, it is important to note that the proprietor of the micro blogging site that broke the news is not new to controversies, most touted as the Margret Thatcher of the Nigerian blogging ecosystem. She is known from time immemorial to be capable of going to just about any length to drive traffic to her blog irrespective of how immoral and wicked it seem. From the very start of the campaign, there have been quite a number of dissenting voices who arrogate too much width and breadth to their own intelligence, and capacity for the so called logical thinking. This they did by claiming (while playing God) that she cannot make it and donations would only amount to a waste.
The Facts
A certain Ms Mayowa helped by friends and well-wishers took her campaign for the survival of a stage 4 ovarian cancer to social media and within three days, not only has it gone viral, the sum of #32million and $100,000 was raised to the surprise of many. The surprise, was solely because of the present economic challenges of the country. However, barely five days into the campaign, a report was published to the effect that the entire fundraising may have been a scam. According to the report, this is because Doctors may have told the young lady she cannot survive the ordeal and should “go home”. It was also alleged that the family knew this and still went ahead with the campaign. It was further speculated that the family just wanted to keep the money.
This verdict would not have been an issue except that the author of the “expose” refused to acknowledge that survival stories of even graver cancer stories are abounding on the internet should she not have met one. One of those is a certain Sarah Merchant who when she was 21 was diagnosed with breast cancer that almost took her life, haven been informed that it is too late to survive, she sought a higher verdict In God and hunted solutions that cost her money elsewhere, and yes, she is alive to tell the story. In a similar case that led to the death of a girl named Debbie, who like Mayowa sought for help everywhere, she had been diagnosed of Cancer and was being given a wrong chemotherapy until she managed to find her way to the US where the flaw was detected, even though she ended up losing her life, her story could have been what inspired Mayowa to seek help elsewhere seeing as it was the same hospital that the former event happened.
Further revelations has however shown that, Toyin Aimakhu who happened to have spear headed this campaign felt sidelined when at some point a private meeting of family members (which she is not) was called. She was said to have shouted to high heavens demanding to know if they are aware she is a celebrity and that her efforts greatly contributed to the garnering of the sum. This was contained in an audio released on the internet by an eye witness. However, claims that her family has absconded have been confirmed to be another lie, as multiple witnesses and an official release have confirmed that her family is right now in the hospital at her bedside preparing her for a 7 hour trip to Abu Dhabi for the treatment. An email correspondence that was released online shows communications between the doctors abroad and a facilitator here suggests she is being awaited. It is important to note that, the sin of the family members is disagreeing with narratives that suggest their loved one will soon pass and one wonders if one true family can give up on their own. Her will and desperation to survive coupled with prayers and unexpected empathy shown her by well-wishers all over the world should therefore not be criminalized further. And like Leonard Levinson once said, “A pessimist only sees the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides and shrugs; an optimist doesn’t see the clouds at all – he’s walking on them.” – Of all the alternatives, we sincerely hope Mayowa holds on to hope and optimism because therein lies the capacity to stamp ill wills out!
Written By Tosin Adedoja