Daniela was excited about following JESUS after her conversion at a Christian revival meeting held some months ago. Her attitude and lifestyle changed after the meeting, and she became a different person completely.Everyone in her neighbourhood knew something had happened to her, because she was no longer involved in frequent brawls, extramarital affairs and frivolity, which she was associated with. If a person’s character and personality had ever been transformed, Daniela’s were.
But soon, she began to sense that something was missing in her life, though she had assurance of salvation. Often, she struggled with the thought of returning to her old and sinful lifestyle. She was selfish, self-opinionated, proud, carnal, frivolous, lukewarm, double-minded, unaccommodating, vindictive, irritable and touchy on slight provocation. She sought for attention and cringed when someone else was in the spotlight because she always wanted it for herself. Her love for others was also imperfect. She neither empathised with people to understand how they feel nor take pleasure in their happiness. She was indifferent and partial towards even sinners, helping those in need or those who approached her for help only when they’re from her tribe or social class. She never took the pain to visit and spend time with the sick and lonely or pray for the needs of others, and never made sacrifices for people. Moreover, she never accepted other people’s viewpoints, and her commitment to the things of God was waning. Unhappy with herself, she shared her struggles with her pastor who told her she needed a second Christian experience called SANCTIFICATION.
The Bible teaches a two-fold nature of sin-actual committed sins and inherited or inbred depravity.
Hence, there’s a double cure for sin, the pastor said. Unfortunately, sin is first inherited before it is committed. At conversion, all actual sins are forgiven by God. That is, when a sinner comes to JESUS in confession and repentance of the sins he/she commits such as lying, cheating, stealing, sexual immorality, murder, alcohol and tobacco intake, He forgives and saves him/her from those atrocities, but the urge, motive and tendency to sin, which are innate need to be dealt with and the heart purified. This is what happens at SANCTIFICATION. The inbred sin is purged and cleansed, and the heart purified.
(To Be Continued in Part 2, please be on the look out and don’t forget to share)