Hey people!
Hope you’re all enjoying your Summer? Such is non-existent in a Nigerian clinical student’s life but I can live vicariously through my family and friends’ Snapchat stories haha.
Today I want to talk about sacrifices a little. I feel like people underestimate the value of sacrifices made for them and that shouldn’t be the case, ever. Even if someone always makes a sacrifice for you so much so that it has become the norm, you should still be as grateful as the very first time because a sacrifice is exactly that – a sacrifice.
Sometimes it’s your turn to be the one making that costly choice and yes, it’s for the greater good – which is why we make such decisions right? It’s not because you want other people to see you making sacrifices and for them to think of you as “selfless” because, that thought in itself, actually voids the notion of selflessness – and that’s no good now is it?
So, why do you make sacrifices?
Have a chew on that food for thought and prepare yourselves – it’s almost ETPBlog’s 2 year anniversary!! That’s right – September 4th is almost upon us and you knowwww what that means….
Keep your eyes peeled for the competition – it’s gonna be sooner than you know it!
(P.S My Snapchat Username is SoftskinnedLiz)