The title of this piece reminds me of my favorite “Glee” episode when those talented musical folks merged “Rumor Has It” with”Someone Like You”. Great performance that was. Hahaha.
Okay down to business, this is a serious topic which practically every person reading this may have experienced in one way or another, and as a fellow in the victims of hurtful gossip association, I know it hurts deeper than most words can describe.
There’s “I heard she bought her clothes second hand” gossip and then there’s that kind of gossip that is character shredding, reputation diminishing and life disrupting. That’s the type I will be writing about today.
That kind of gossip that gets spread like wildfire and then it appears to be true; since so many people are telling the same story they can’t all be false, right? Wrong.
Gossip is only as powerful as you allow it to be. It can only hurt you as much as you open yourself to its daggers. This isn’t some chocolate cake sort of advice, this is what I told myself when I was hit hard by all sorts of untrue allegations. You wouldn’t believe what I heard about myself; I was so shocked and hurt by what I heard that I went into a state I cannot describe completely with words. The gossip pierced me in places I didn’t know I had. IT HURT. BADLY.
It took me some time, but I got back up again. I decided I wasn’t going to let their words hold me down anymore. I realized that I was only hurting myself; the people who said all those nasty, evil things were going about their daily lives whilst I was frozen in depression.
I decided enough was enough. And so should you.
A friend of mine says “It’s only living people that can have problems”, and so even in the midst of so many reasons to hate life I still thank God because I still have life. Life is a blessing.
My loves, I write this from the bottom of my heart, don’t let what people say about you get you down – God’s got you, and that’s all that matters.