In the life of every human, it is important to have the knowledge of certain subject matter, not just the knowledge about the subject matter, but the knowledge OF it. Thus, a pilot isn’t just meant to have a knowledge ABOUT how a plane is operated, he must as a matter of fact have a knowledge OF how the plane is operated in order to successfully fly it. This requires deep intimacy and intricate study of the operation and specification of the plane.
Is this not the same principle that applies in the Kingdom of God? The ability of a Christian to experience the fullness of God isn’t in His knowledge about God, but in His knowledge OF God in Christ Jesus. Apostle Paul puts it this way “Grace and Peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (2Peter 1:2 NKJV), “I wish you a full measure of grace and peace as you grow in the knowledge of God and of Jesus Our Lord” (The Voice Reader’s Bible), “grace and peace to you many times over as you deepen in your experience with God and Jesus our Master” (Message Translation) so we see that the fullness of our experience of grace and also peace already freely given by God, is determined by our knowledge of or better put, deepening of our experience with God and Jesus, our master.
The question then is, what ultimately marks the difference between knowing about God, and knowing God? Apostle Paul writing to the church in Ephesus having heard of their faith, spoke about the Holy Spirit saying “I am continually speaking to Him (God) on your behalf in my prayers. Here’s what I say: God of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, Father of Glory: I call out to you on behalf of your people. “Give them minds ready to receive wisdom and REVELATION so they will truly KNOW you” (Ephesians 1: 16,17). Thus, the knowledge of God only comes by REVELATION by the Holy Spirit. That means at best all a person can have is the knowledge about God and not the knowledge OF God except He has the Holy Spirit indwelling in him having given his life to Christ (Ephesians 1:13,14). Furthermore, a Christian cannot know a certain dimension of God except it is revealed to him by the Spirit of God, the best that can happen without a revelation by the Spirit of God is to know ABOUT that dimension of God which does not translate into an experience for him.
Apostle Paul quoting Isaiah’s prophecy and speaking about the revelation of God’s precious preparation for man says “God has shown us these profound and startling realities through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep mysteries of God. Who can see into a man’s heart and know his thoughts? Only the spirit that dwells within the man. In the same way, the thoughts of God are known only by His Spirit. You must know that we have not received the spirit of this rebellious and broken world but the Spirit that comes from God, so that we may experience and comprehend the gifts that come from God” (1Corinthians 2:10-13 The Voice Reader’s Bible). This means that the true revelation of whom God is and all His benefits made available (Healing, Deliverance, Prosperity, Forgiveness of sins) are REVEALED by His Spirit. This underscores the need to consistently engage His Spirit as given to us by Jesus the Christ in our daily lives.
Ensure Today that for the rest of your life, you engage God’s Spirit and submit to His leadings in your daily experiences as this is the Key to the Revelation of whom God is as seen in His word (Jesus). HALLELUJAH
Grace and Peace multiplied
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