Hey there! So due to my laptop crashing (twice!) I haven’t been able to blog – however I’m trying out this blogging from my phone thing, but I can’t post images 🙁
Anyways, here’s a response to my last post, Situationships – enjoy it – I know I did haha!
Written by Iyebiye Olawuyi ❤️
Reasons you should not be in a situationship
As a person who has been in over a million situationships (you know that’s exaggerated), I can totally say that a situationship is the worst relationship you could get yourself into. Below are the reasons for such an assertion.
It is a total waste of time. When people say they’ll gain experience and other stuff like that from it, they are only deceiving themselves. You don’t have to learn from your own experiences.
It always ends in heartbreak, especially for the girl. This is because when the guy is tired of her, especially as a result of use, he will find it very easy to walk away because he was not in any formal relationship before then.
No situationship anywhere in the world has ever ended in marriage. Take it or leave it.
After everything ends, the partners never remain as friends and if they do, they’ll always have hurts or grudges against each other no matter how small. One of my friends used to be in a situationship with a guy, now it’s over but almost everything the guy ever does just tends to get her upset.
When you are in such an arrangement (a situationship), you look cheap and also desperate.
You will never know where you stand when you are in such an arrangement. You might think he/she sees you as his/her girl/guy but he/she might just be seeing you as just a friend, just a reading partner (hahahahahaha), a friend with benefits, a side chick/guy or just a spare part. lol
You limit your vision. You don’t notice other people because you are too busy trying to make your situationship work that you either fall into the friendszone with people you could have had profiting relationships with or you don’t even notice them at all. When you are in a situationship, you always think your partner is the best you can find anywhere and you are usually under a false believe that if you let him or her go, you will not find a better person.
You hinder your progress. When you are in a situationship, other guys/girls who see you from afar and want to get close to don’t come near because they feel you are in a relationship, whereas you are only on a roller coaster.
If you are in the kind of situationship where you are being asked out by your partner but you don’t want to say “yes” just yet because you are scared that he/she might break your heart if you both dated, but you do everything that people are dating do and you even cross the line and do stuff meant for married people, I want to tell you from experience that you are really gonna get your fingers burnt in the end. I don’t have the time to explain step by step how it works, but I just want you to know that you are heading for a terrible disaster.
NB: I want you to know that guys looooove situationships (though some girls do too). So if you and a guy are running such an arrangement and you are thinking he is gonna date or even marry you, (give me a few seconds, I need to laugh), you might just be all alone in dreamland or what my people call o.y.o. lmaoooooo