See my cover image? Would you believe my right lower leg from my ankle to above my knee was in a fixed POP cast? Well you better believe it because it’s totally true, I had to get a cast after a debilitating injury during a “friendly” football match against an outside school team. I can still remember how limp my knee felt that blessed day, I literally heard the crunch of my bone as I hit the grass after a sly tackle by an opposing player.
When I was being carried off the pitch I remember wondering if I’d ever walk again, talk less of play football anymore; so many doubts filled my mind and genuine fear tried to set in but thank God for the people that were around me that quickly debunked any negative statements I made about my condition with words of encouragement and prayers – their faith went a long way towards my recovery.
After weeks of incorrect diagnoses, I finally got an X-Ray done and it showed that if I had waited just a day later before presenting at the hospital, what was just a hairline fracture (albeit very painful) would have become a whole lot worse – and that was a testimony in itself. I got placed in a cast just weeks before the Nigerian Private University Games and I was heartbroken as I couldn’t compete any more but once I could walk unsupported I would go to the court & field to encourage my teams (Volleyball & Football) and basically do all I could with what I had left to support them; including going with them for the games and cheering the loudest at every point gained or goal scored.
For 7 weeks I was in a cast but if you saw me then you’d think I just liked wearing long skirts haha. That’s the beauty of seeing past your difficulty – once YOU get passed it, it no longer has the power to hold you back. You may be in a tough situation but if you make up your mind to move past it, a solution of any form will surface. Today I can walk perfectly well and people have even forgotten which knee it was that suffered the trauma. No one remembers me as the girl that had the broken leg because I didn’t identify myself as the girl with the broken leg.
You are far more than your disabilities or short comings. Go forth and SHINE!