Hey lovely readers! One of my dear friends went to the Model United Nations hosted at the University of Ife, Nigeria and has been ever so benevolent to share her experience with us! So if you’ve ever wondered what happens at a UN GA, here’s a little experience – enjoy!
– Dr. ETP xo
It was a thing of great privilege for me to attend the IFEMUN 2019 conference which took place in the campus of the great citadel of learning, Obafemi Awolowo University, in the little town of ile-ife, the origin of the Yoruba people.
IFEMUN 2019 Conference is a simulation exercise of the procedures and actions of the UN Conference organized for youths, students and graduates alike, where individuals are trained to pick up skills on public speaking, leadership and diplomatic tactics, sharpening already existent ones.
My humble self at the IFEMUN Dinner and Awards ceremony
It exposes one to information which one didn’t believe existed. I, for one can attest to that. It has broadened my knowledge on a lot of things I never knew existed even in this age of technology. My information radar has been expanded. It was a 3-day conference in which fun, educative activities were organized in order for the participants to maximize the full benefits it offered.
It involved attendance by keynote speakers during plenary sessions. Participants were also grouped into committee sessions with topics to address major global issues. Upon registering, I was given an assignment to work on, which frightened me initially because I wasn’t used to working on topics along that line. I had a little bit of trouble preparing my position paper for the conference which made me want to cancel out on attending. But, hey, I reminded myself that I had paid and should avail myself an opportunity to learn outside the school environment. I’m thankful I heeded that voice of encouragement. I can say that my information radar has been expanded.
Tae Yoo wrote something about opportunities, and I quote, “Together, we have the power to inspire, connect, and deliver on new opportunities and rich experiences that can open doors to innovation and progress while growing global economies and increasing well-being”.
Dr Seyi Sowemekun from United Nations Information Centre
This Conference is an affirmation to the above saying because following the theme of the conference, individuals from the different walks of our nation NIGERIA were present, armed with information and statistics from research to show it is possible. I was deeply impressed with the way in which points, motions were raised, topics were discussed at great lengths with delegates marshaling their points.
I need to mention noteworthy, remarkable moments from the conference. The delegate of Gabon intimidated me a lot because I was astounded by how much astute intelligence and knowledge he displayed until it was revealed that he had attended 33 Model United Nations Conferences which led me to conclude that all great men started from somewhere – little steps. The delegate of Gabon struck me as an impressive, enigmatic individual as he was instrumental in both educating and entertaining the “General assembly” where he, in his own words, BATTERED, TATTERED AND SHATTERED, not only the theme of the conference but also the presentations of delegates on the speakers list.
Delegate of Gabon
Also worthy of note were the delegates of Nigeria (whose President was said to have travelled to the United Kingdom for health reasons) and Portugal, who was reportedly an imposter claiming he was sent to represent his country. It caused a little bit of ruckus as it was a matter of importance threatening the global security of other represented delegates. This is to mention just a few.
All rise to welcome Mr President of the General Assembly, IFEMUN ’19 and his carbinet members.
The committee sessions of the IFEMUN 2019 conference, headed by chairs and rapporteurs were tasked with discussing issues and topics of global concerns as it affects each country differently, their stand on such issues, established policies. The delegates then came up with working paper professing solutions to the already existent problems which were later adopted and passed as resolutions in the General assembly.
What these sessions teach is team work, which I’m sure a lot of delegate took home as part of the lessons learnt.
Delegate Representatives from member Nations at the conference
It was a great delight to take a tour of the university’s museum where various archaeological treasures were exhibited. The conference came to a climax at the dinner and awards night which marked the end of conference where we were treated to an atmosphere of merriment by the MC who worked his mastery and art of entertainment, taking us back down memory lane to various adverts of companies run on diverse channels (to mention a few ‘B without BB is like a train without an engine’, I wish I had a friend helping me roll in every way saying yes to my needs).
IFEMUN Secretary General, Paul Ogbolo presenting a honorary award to Patricia Obozuwa, Chief Communications and Public Affairs Officer, GE Africa, who was one of the keynote speakers
If there was anything to take home from this conference, it was that I had a great deal of work to do in preparing myself and positioning myself to be ready to grasp opportunities to make impact on a global scale. MY take home message to everyone is to develop your personal skills. This experience is all too surreal for me. How can I recover?
I must commend the organizers of this great conference who painstakingly worked behind the scenes to ensure that IFEMUN ’19 was a success, a story that lives on the minds of individuals. I know the next edition would be definitely better.
We are all agents of change. Let’s in our own little way and tiny corner begin to put into the action the various lessons learnt as we remember “together, we have the power”. This is our own little step which would push us out there, leapfrogging into opportunities waiting out there for youths.
My take home message to everyone is to develop personal skills.
To all the beautiful and intelligent persons I met through this conference, our meeting was dangerously in order orchestrated by divinity. It has been my pleasure meeting you.
I pray the bond of our friendship continues to wax stronger.
To all distinguished delegates, your excellencies from different countries, I wish you continuous technological advancements in the countries each of you represented.
To my audience, thank you for having a good read.
Hope you enjoyed the post.
Dr. Ernestina Orji