Hi guys!
So, on this beautiful morning I was in the hall for an activity that has being going on for some days. Usually before the activity commences, we go for a Tea break. The man serving brought my breakfast with a table water alongside. Guess what? The bottle neck was uniquely bent, I mean I found the defect very attractive. This is because, if I place the table water back into the pack with the others, you can easily spot the defect or rather distinguish it from others easily.
This hit a different side of me – so with my defect I am actually unique. I mean nobody can be me or you! So, I can be unique despite my weakness? So, a side in us was created differently and uniquely?
Thus, these questions – Do you know God hides treasures in defects? Do you know the enemy make us feel we can never amount to something just because of a defect in our lives? Do you know your power/beauty lies in your defect? Do you know because of that defect no one can do some things the way you do them?
A defect simply means abnormality, imperfection, a lack or shortcoming. When I mean defect, I’m not referring to only physical fault or problem, it could be a character flaw, personality flaw, phobia. Basically, something that prevents one’s character from being perfect.
I’m not here to glorify one’s imperfection, but to give you a sure solution which is embracing your uniqueness and discovering what God has called you to be from the foundation of the world.A wise man once said “all that you will be is already inside you, despite that imperfection in your life”.
Have people called you different names because of your flaws? Have people criticized and even concluded on you based on a character flaw you displayed? Or you have even cried several times *lol* Well! The Good news is that God created you that way intentionally. And because of this you don’t need human validation or condemnation to encourage you to embrace your uniqueness.
Remember Peter in the bible, he was unstable as water but see what Jesus told him – “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it”. [Matthew 16:18] NLT
Jesus simply called him who he truly was from the foundation of the world “ROCK”, which is contrary to his present reality “SIMON”. I’m sure everyone around him saw a fisherman who is easily tossed by unstable emotions. Today angry, next fighting, next happy, next crying, next depressed. Can we say Peter’s defect was that he was unstable? Yes!
Beloved, what is your defect? Name it, but be rest assured that from that imperfection comes the “ROCK”. If you study Peter’s character further, from my little understanding whenever he makes mistakes, he is always sorry/repentant. He always runs back to Jesus for forgiveness until the day he finally encountered Jesus personally despite that he is always around Jesus.
However, it is only our Father in Heaven, who is our creator that can turn our imperfections/flaws to strength. No one but Jesus Christ so, we have to constantly run to Jesus for help, so that he can turn our defects to TREASURES. For God hides treasures in secret places where everyone has looked down upon, rejected, find un-attractive or even unlikely vessels. “With Jesus Christ refining us we can stand out as gold among millions with our defects or imperfections”.
Finally, let’s see another anchor scripture – “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” [2Corinthians 12:9] NLT. This was Peter boasting in the Lord about his weaknesses. You reading this can also boast in the Lord about your weaknesses, if and only if you ask Jesus for help and allow him to work in you. I never met Peter but, one amazing thing I learnt from the scriptures about him was that Jesus gave him the keys to the kingdom (Jesus built His church upon him) – which made him stand out in his time.
I Love and Celebrate my readers Greatly.
Mercy’s Pen