You guysss!!!!!!! thanks for all your comments (although most are still adamant about not putting it on the site), I got most of them and it is lovely to know that you take time out to read this column, you make me want to write more. I also want to bring this to people’s attention: the column is “For Butterflies” and it’s written by Gloria, it’s important to put your comments in the right column as I’d love to read and reply them individually. -In Elijah Michelson’s’ voice- Gentlemen (and women) shall we?
So I thought not every time be giving advice, sometimes seek it, abi no be so? Me too I get dilemma, you see, I recently got out of a messy situation-ship, and when I mean messy, that ish was messy mahn, tore my heart right into two (even me self get mumu button), I can’t even give the sordid details ‘cause I’d probably fall very far from the pedestal I seem to have managed to get placed on, it was so bad that no matter how destructive it got, I kept going back, I never knew Okafor’s law was legit until this happened (don’t ask me what Okafor’s law is, check your dictionary), what doesn’t kill you probably leaves you a mess cause I’m still reeling from the experience, anyways this isn’t our topic of discussion, now my problem is moving on, how exactly does one move on, I don’t even get the theory not to talk of the practicality of the term, do I just up and stop talking to him? What if he’s always in my vicinity and I can’t but come in contact with him? Is there a kill switch for feelings that people know about but I don’t? I talk a lot about tackling problems head-on and trying different approaches and blah blah blah, but this is just one science that I know next to nothing about, I get the part where I remove myself from my source of injury, I get the part where I say ‘no more’ and I decide to let go but beyond that I’m stuck, do I have a reset button that takes me back to before the whole mess started? Do I just pick up where I left off? How do I forget? What exactly does the term ‘move on’ mean?
I would really love to have your thoughts on the matter, for those who may not be able to post comments, a reply directly to my mail (it’s not gonorrhoea ooo you people and forgive me for the name, I once thought it was cool *covers face in mock shame*) is welcomed,