Having seen what a husband and wife should know, I will like to mention some problems which threaten marriages and wreck homes 🏡. Some of such problems are:
1. INFIDELITY in the Home: The wife or the husband may not be faithful to their marriage vows, that is either of them may be having extramarital affairs.
2. IDOLATRY: Either of the partners may be an idol worshipper and influence the children to join him or her, whilst trying to compel his or her partner to worship idols too.
3. INFIRMITY: This borders on physical or mental sickness and diseases in either of the spouse or other members of the family.
4. IMMORALITY: One of the partners may be living in sin with other people secretly. Note that the sin of immorality committed by a married man or woman is adultery.
5. In-law Problems: The In-Laws at times, can be very hostile to either of the spouse. This if not properly handled by both of them can cause serious problems in their marriage.
6. INSECURITY: One or both partners could feel insecure in the home. The problem of insecurity can result in serious problems that can rock and even destroy marriage relationship.
7. INFERTILITY: One of the partners might be barren or sterile. If they are not able to handle this with wisdom and love, it can give rise to a lot of problems in their marriage.
Solving The Problems:
Prudence dictates that we cannot give a one-on-one solution to these problems. But you should know that Patience, Prayer, Tenacity of purpose, Faith and confidence in God are imperative requirements to solving these problems.
For now, I will explain what I call the ABC of SOLVING problems.
1. Announcing the problems or attacking the partner will lead to the destruction of your home 🏡 or marriage. Don’t absorb them either. Rather, approach God and tell them to Him.
2. Blaming others will not solve the problem. Neither will burying the problems help you because they will grow. Brace them with God’s help and you will see the end of it all.
3. Create a conducive atmosphere to solve your problems. If you give anger a place you cannot do this, so, shun anger from your heart ❤️.
4. Defending Self compounds issues. Own up where you are wrong and talk it over with your partner.
5. Examine yourselves as you examine the problems and those problems will decrease and diminish.
6. Face the problems squarely and you will successfully handle them. When you discard self-pity and apologise where you are wrong you are facing the problems. That is, you are handling the issues with maturity. This approach might make it seem as though you are up to a fight. Of course you are. Only that it is a good fight.
7. Good fighting is a fight of faith and like every other fight it has an aim, its weapon, its rules and place. You have a noble aim for “fighting” which is, to deepen your understanding and love ❤️. The weapon of this “fight” is spiritual the WORD of God and verbal, cordial discourse. The rule is to lower your voices. This leads to the next point which is the place of the fight. You should remember that is the place of the fight. You should remember that it is a private fight and the public must not know about it. So, your bedroom is the most suitable place for the fight.
8. Hostility is bred as problems are allowed to accumulate. If last week’s conflicts and misunderstandings are left to incubate, hostility and bitterness will arise. So make a habit of solving your problems before the day runs out. Make sure you solve the problems as they arise.
9. Identify your problems. When there are problems, don’t make the mistake of muddling things up. Identify and pinpoint the problems as well as the cause or causes.
10. Jealousy must be avoided in the home. Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. It affects a couple’s relationship and colours situations negatively. If jealousy is given a place in your home, the result will be anger, cruelty and malice.
11. Kneel and Pray together after resolving your conflicts. Prayer changes things. Praying after resolving a conflict will help to remove shame and guilt and Christ will give you the grace to forgive, forget and forge ahead in marital bliss.
12. Learn from the problems you’ve had in the past, and which were amicably resolved.
13. Meditate on the positive qualities of your partner, rather than on the problems you have settled. Don’t magnify your problems beyond the actual size.
14. Negligence in handling problems will empower the problems to bind and enslave you without your permission or even recognition.
15. Openness to one another helps you a lot. If you are able to open the problems to one another there is possibility of solving them.
16. Prayerfulness, Patience and Perseverance will always overcome problems. Exercise yourself in these virtues.
17. Quietness is the quality you have to manifest while your partner is talking about the problems. Listen, Learn and Love ❤️ your partner. This helps you understand how far the problems has eaten deep into your partner. And this puts you in a position to really help.
18. Recognise that Satan has an interest in seeing your problems grow worse if you are not careful. So, be wise and watchful.
19. Study the problems and think of a permanent solution. Don’t do this under pressure without the promises of God, else you will never come out of it.
20. Take away the problems from between you otherwise you’ll form a barrier and a thick wall will stand between both of you.
21. Understand your partner. Always put a positive construction on your partner’s actions. Ask yourself, “Why does he or she do what he or she does?” This will help beat your problems small.
22. Vacating the house whenever there is a problem is cowardice. If you vacate the house, the problems will remain right in your home 🏡. So, don’t vacate the house when problems arise. Stay put, face the problems in the power of the Holy Spirt and you will overcome. Don’t be a quitter.
23. Worrying about problems double the poisonous effects of the problems on you. Never worry about problems. Bring the problems face to face with the promises of God.
24. X is formed with two parallel lines that will never meet. If this describes you and your partner it will never help you. Work at being one. This is how God designed it to be. X also signifies a cross-road. You’ll not be able to take a definite decision at the cross-roads of life as long as you refuse to face the same direction with your husband or wife.
25. Yesterday’s problems can spoil the prospects, privileges and pleasures of today. So, don’t concentrate on yesterday’s problems. Concentrate on your privileges today.
26. Zealously bring your tongue 👅 under control while thinking through on your problems.
These are possible methods of solving problems which can arise amongst couples.
See what our LORD JESUS said in John 13:17:”If ye know these things, happy are ye, if ye do them.”
Presently, you have the solution in your hands. The promises of God are not too far from you. The Word of God is still true today. If you desire to solve your marital problems there is a ready solution now. You know the way, and the solution. I believe God will give you the grace to apply them wisely in JESUS Mighty name Amen 🙏🏾
I pray for Unity in every Home as you read and share. The LORD shall bind us and our spouses together with the cord that cannot be broken, may the Holy Spirit continue to uphold our homes to the very end in JESUS Mighty name amen 🙏🏾
For our young adult the Almighty God shall divinely connect you with the bone of your nones and flesh of your flesh in JESUS Mighty name amen 🙏🏾
To the widow or widower, the Almighty God shall continue to comfort you and stand by you and your children every step of the way in JESUS Mighty name amen 🙏🏾 Your labour shall not be in vain in JESUS Mighty name amen 🙏🏾