MARRIAGE:Legitimate And Scriptural
“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”
Hebrews 13:4 KJV”
The Word ‘is’ in this verse is not in the Greek version of the Bible. The original Greek version reads this, “Marriage honourable in all”.
It is an exciting statement, such that brings joy. So, the desire to marry is legitimate, proper and scriptural. The more a man or lady matures, he or she unconsciously begins to think about marriage. This is not wrong, it is very normal. And as a matter of fact, if an individual doesn’t feel this way at a time he or she is supposed to, it is feared that that individual has got some physical or psychological problems.
However, the thought and desire for marriage should not drive you into marrying wrongly. When you are hungry, you desire food. This desire doesn’t lead you to steal but leads you to get food legitimately. Likewise, when you are thirsty, you naturally desire water. This desire is legitimate. But its legitimacy does not lead you to steal except of course you have an issue with stealing or pilfering. The normal thing to do when you are thirsty is to look for water in a proper, acceptable and legitimate way.
Hunger, thirst as well as the desire to get married all have the same application. As you seek legitimate and proper ways to satisfy your hunger or thirst, so should you seek legitimate and scriptural ways to satisfy your desire to marry.
“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”
Hebrews 13:4 KJV”
It is disastrous to neglect the teachings of the Bible on marriage being honourable in all. The point here is unmistakable. It says that though marriage is good and lovely, there is an acceptable way of going about it and all who digress from this way (adulterer and whoremongers) will suffer the consequences( judgement).
You consider God’s standard as being too high?
Let me ask you these questions. Each time you feel like eating, do you just go to the roadside and take up whatever edible thing you see? Or each time you are thirsty, do you just go to a nearby drainage and drink till you are filled? If you did this you’d be long dead. So, if you are so careful about what you eat and drink, God should not be blamed for setting standards in marriage.
It is all for your good.
I have gone to this length to make you understand that though marriage is legitimate and scriptural, it should be properly handled.
Let this be ingrained in your mind – just as unclean water and bad food will make you feel sick and miserable, so will a wrong marriage relationship limit you in life and make you miserable.
Marriage Eligibility:
You may have noticed that I already pointed out in the beginning that this column is strictly for adults. Before you contemplate marriage, you must be mature. You must have grown to an age that you can think, plan and make decisions independently. You must also be able to take responsibility for your actions. You must be spiritually, physically, psychologically and emotionally mature. Mature people mostly make successful marriages.
Besides, you need some social and material preparation. For instance, you need your own accommodation and other household items. Over and above all, there should be a steady supply of income to keep the prospective family going. The viability of marriage is usually a product of the stability and maturity of the partners.
It is my prayer that the good LORD will order your steps in all your endeavours especially in marriage as He did for Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Mary and Joseph; you shall not marry your enemy in JESUS Mighty name amen.
By the grace of God Almighty, I WILL NOT be here after the rapture in JESUS Mighty name amen
What about you?
JESUS, is the Way, The Truth and The Life.
By Mrs A O Peters