May the blessings of the LORD rest and abide with us from January 1st to December 31st and beyond in the Name of our LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth Amen 🙏🏾
DEVOTION: The family altar or the family devotion time must be regarded above every other activity or recreation in the family. Every family will do well to create time daily for the family altar.
During this time, the family can pray together, study God’s Word together, and share testimonies of God’s goodness. It is a time to make the family bond stronger, as it is commonly said that the family that prays together sticks together.
People generally give excuses such as ignorance, lack of time, or the fact that gathering the family together is not convenient for them, for not observing the family devotion. But the truth remains that none of these excuses is tenable. The family altar is very essential for every Christian home and must Be observed regularly and meaningfully too.
If for any of the above reasons you have been neglecting the family altar or the family devotion time, you must change today. Start immediately, be regular and be brief. Let there be variety to make it interesting to the children. At the beginning, you may not be able to conduct it perfectly, but with time your family will grow to love, enjoy and profit from it.
UNDERSTANDING: We must help our children to understand and have a strong sense of right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. Through our meticulous attention and training they should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of as well as practice good and upright behaviours.
CORRECTION: Is as necessary as Love ❤️. You must correct your children. However, you need to know how to correct them in an effective and wholesome manner. Note the following guidelines as you correct or discipline your children.
1. Do not wait until a child’s behaviour is wrong before you teach him what acceptable and unacceptable behaviour is. Teach acceptable behaviour even when the child is doing what is right.
2. Be in agreement with your spouse before you discipline.
3. Never use humiliation or name calling as a means of punishment, correction or discipline.
4. The time to discipline is at the time the child misbehaves. Mother should not wait until the father returns home to have him do the punishing. This makes the Father’s homecoming something to be dreaded.
5. Discipline should be commensurate with the misdeed and the age of the child involved.
6. It is horrifying and dangerous to use God in threatening your child. Don’t scare your children with Bible verses or God’s Name. Such method creates resentment towards God and HIS Word.
7. Don’t threaten your children, especially with things you have no intention of fulfilling. Threatening your children with phrases like “I will break your head” will keep you outside for the whole night” will make your child to lose confidence in your words when he discovers that they are just threats that you will never fulfil.
8. Do not ask your child “why did you do that?” You will encourage him to find an excuse. Ask, “What did you do that was wrong?”
9. Never correct with your hand. Use a rod (Proverbs 23:13: “Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.”
â€â€Proverbs‬ â€23:13‬ â€KJV‬‬.
Use your hands to show love. Never raise your voice in command or correction.
10. Never use the “eye for eye” method (bitting, pulling hair, scratching etc)
11. Avoid injury. Never slap face or any part of the body easily prone to injury.
12. When disciplining the child, be firm. Do not let his crying stop you. Let the child associate wrong-doing with pain. Show love ❤️ without nullifying discipline.
Remember discipline is love ❤️ in action Hebrews 12:6:“For whom the LORD loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth.”
â€â€Hebrews‬ â€12:6‬ â€KJV‬‬.
13. After correction, pray with your child and lead him to pray for forgiveness.
14. If there is a need for restitution, let him do it in penitence and humility.
15. Never restrict the child from participating in Church activities as a means of discipline.
16. After correcting the child, explain again to him the reason for discipline. Failure to explain to the child hinders him from profiting from the discipline.
Be Prepared!
May God Almighty grant us the grace to see the LORD JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth at the end of our journey in life in JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN 🙏🏾.
Mrs Angelinah Olubunmi Peters
My LORD JESUS Is Alive In me