Steps To Financial Freedom
God desires that every family should be free from the anxieties, worries and heart-aches which spring from managing income. He wants you to know the wise way of spending whatever you earn. God wants you to see money as a blessing not a problem. I will show you four steps to freedom from family financial problems.
1. Sit Down and Talk It Through: The husband and wife must sit down to discuss financial matters together. This is because poor communication about family spending leads to financial foolishness. When you sit together to discuss you should:
a. Talk about your priorities for spending and saving.
b. Pinpoint areas where you have recently spent foolishly.
c. Agree on some rules you will both follow for better budget.
If you have never sat with your partner to discuss family finances, you can begin it today. Perhaps that is why there are financial problems in the family. If there is no money, you can sit down and talk about it. Be frank, open and down-to-earth in your discussion.
2. Educate Yourself About Money Management: You should study the principles of spending money. The materials on this study are mostly from the Bible. Two-Thirds of the parables of The LORD JESUS CHRIST talk about money. The Book of Proverbs offers much on Money.
You need to know about BUDGETING. Budgeting, in its simplest form is the analysis of needs before embarking on expenditure. So, the couple must do some analysis of family needs before spending. Much will be said about this later.
You also need to know about TAX RELIEF MEASURES. The government of each country has devised means and measures of relieving financially burdened families. You need to know how to fill the Tax Relief Form. It is your right, so you should make the best of it.
3. Avoid Debt Like A Plague: when the sum total of what you owe is more than the sum total of what you have, you are in debt. Debts must be avoided. If you are in debt, you should sit down to plan how you will pay back. If the debt is so much that you cannot pay all at a time, you could reach an agreement with the creditor. In mutual agreement, you could decide that you will pay the money over a period. Based on your income, self-denial and self-control, you could set aside a sum of money every month to settle part of the debt. This way, you will soon settle all your debts.
Debt is likened to bondage. It keeps you bound to your creditor-friends. It drains you of your joy as a believer. Strive to settle your debts and live a free and joyful life. Having settled your debts, settle down to prudent spending. Agree on a family priority list and stick to it. Make a comprehensive list, determine the most urgent and indispensable items. Use a shopping list to resist impulsive buying. Wait for the right sale or season. Avoid browsing in stores or window shopping with large sums of money in your wallet/credit card. Avoid borrowing heavily for depreciating and consumable items.
To be continued next month if the LORD JESUS Tarries in His Coming.
Mrs Angelinah Olubunmi
JESUS Is Alive In me