The Standard of Love ❤️
“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.”
Ephesians 5:23 KJV
What makes JESUS The Head of the Church is Love ❤️. He is an embodiment of Full Love ❤️, Sacrificial Love, the type of love that propelled Him to shed His Blood to redeem the Church.
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it;”
Ephesians 5:25 KJV
This is a good commandment. You don’t need any other. Love will not do anything evil. Love is not selfish or self-Centered. Love is caring, kind, good and charitable.
The standard of the husband’s love for his wife has been given – “even as Christ also loved the church,“ Husbands therefore need to know that when the Church was unholy, Christ was Holy. When the Church was weak. Christ was strong. When the Church was prayerless, Christ was prayerful. When Christ was in agony on the cross, the Church was hiding away behind closed door. When Christ was dying for the Church, the Church was denying Christ. Yet, when He rose on the third day He went to the fearful, faithless Church and greeted her, “Peace be unto you”.
Your wife may close and lock the door of her heart against you, but when you manifest this Christ-like love ❤️, the door will be opened. When Christ loved the Church, He did not give her something perishable. He gave Himself for her! As a husband you should be able to give yourself to your wife. To give yourself to your wife means that you give all that you have – time, energy, money, clothes and whatever other possessions, then wait and see whether or not your wife will be transformed by your actions.
Ephesians 4:32 holds a very important admonition.
“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
Ephesians 4:32 KJV
Forgive even as God for Christ sake forgave you. Understand that since both of you are human beings from very different backgrounds and with varied ideologies there is bound to be conflict. Offences are bound to arise every once in a while. What you are expected to do to stem these inevitable conflicts is not to start keeping a register of wrongs committed against you by your partner.
Now, imagine that after you have come to the LORD JESUS, He keeps record of your mistakes – the time you did not pray enough, the time you did not read the Bible enough, the time you did not witness as He expected you to, and so on. And kneeling in prayer every time, He reminds you of your wrong actions or inactions, and as a result refuses to answer your prayer, exactly how would you feel? Would you remain a Christian if God treats you that way? You know the answer.
Just as God because of the Love ❤️He has for mankind, sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins and bring us back into fellowship with Him (as it was at the beginning) so also must you forgive your spouse of any offence and bring such back into fellowship with you without having to refer to the person’s failure of the past over and over.
There are cases of people who forgive their offenders in the Bible. Joseph, for instance, forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery. Despite everything he suffered because of their wicked action against him, he still found a place in his heart to forgive them many years later.
David also forgave king Saul who was continually after his life. At his death (king Saul) David rent his clothes and wept for him. He forgave the man that sought to claim his life on many occasions. More so, our Perfect Example, JESUS CHRIST forgave all those that accused Him falsely and riled against Him. Not only did He forgave them. He also prayed for them. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do”.
The challenge in all this is that no matter the offence, you are expected to forgive your spouse. It is possible you find it hard to forgive. Ask for the grace of God. Forgive your partner.
Henceforth begin to Live together, Stay together, Love ❤️together. As long as you live, stay with your spouse. Tear off all the offences you have recorded in your diary.
Let the grace of God Almighty occupy your heart. Forgive him or her. And stay in your marriage covenant till death do you part.
In conclusion,
May the grace to live by all that we have learnt and abide in the truth be upon us, LORD, help us to cleave together like the saints of old; Abraham and Sarah, Mary and Joseph, Zechariah and Elizabeth;
May the Peace and Harmony continues to reign in our lives and Homes 🏠 from this day onwards in JESUS Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏾.
To those who are yet to marry, may the LORD God Almighty order your steps and connect you to the bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh in JESUS Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏾.
To the widows/widower, may the Holy Spirit the comforter; continue to comfort you may His abiding presence be visible in your family as long as the earth remains in JESUS Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏾.
We thank God Almighty for taking us through this journey of Marriage and Family Life.
Our special thanks goes to our Pastor the Author, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi who has taught us extensively on this series; and continue to teach us on how to live a life pleasing to our LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, The Redeemer of our souls.
May the Heavenly Father continues to strengthen and preserve our G.S, his entire household, the ministry and the Body of Christ at large. Sir, You shall not miss your reward in JESUS Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏾. Your labour shall be rewarded in JESUS Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏾.
By the grace of God Almighty, we shall start another series in the New Year 2020 if the LORD tarry in His coming.
Mrs Angelinah Olubunmi Peters
My LORD JESUS Is Alive In me