It’s Valentine’s, the season to appreciate love, I’m a sucker for love and this is for butterflies. Welcome people, I almost crapped my pants by trying to #movetoboys2016 this week, thank God he had the decency to tell me he had already been seized (#not all Yoruba boys are demons), in my defense it was just innocent flirting(like flirting is ever innocent *side-eyes myself*), on the bright side, val was lit, went to the cinema to watch deadpool, mahn that movie is funny to say the least, I also heard this single by one of my favorite Nigerian artistes simi, it’s called love don’t care, her voice gets me in my feels like everytime.So I write cheesy poems on the side-you better not sneer- and I thought I’d drop one of them here as my Val’s gift for everyone who take time out to read this side of, before you read it, here’s a brief history of the poem; when I first got here (I’m sure you’re curious about here, aren’t you?) I felt so alone and scared because I left the familiar behind, so I started writing these poems to whomever it is I’m going to end up with, cheesy as it sounds, it made me feel better. Most of them have a romantic inclination but this one I wrote to my friend so it’ll have to do for both the #singletostupor and the taken, I was out alone in a field- I do that when I want to clear my head – and it was beautiful really so I wrote, enjoy:
Letter to my friend
Those trees are affirming the truth,
The leaves dance to the tune of the wind,
And green spreads in beautiful uniformity,
The quiet is luminous beauty,
Clarity is a thing to find out here,
And you know what they say to me,
God is love
These ants move so haphazardly,
Like they were going to a place they’ve forgotten,
They meet each other, see each other and leave each other,
Each faces they see in each road blocks they stop,
All are phases they have to pass through,
And you know what they say to me,
Life’s in stages
As the sun warms my back,
And the breeze caresses my face,
The seasons leave me in fascination,
In awe of a mind beauteous beyond poems,
A heart lovelier than music,
And you know what they say to me
Love lives in you.
Sounds girly, doesn’t it? Now let’s get down to business
Ever felt like you had all this love welling up inside of you and no one to give it to, do you feel a tightening in your chest when you see those picture-perfect couple on Instagram because if given the chance at love, you believe you’ll spoil him/her silly with romance , do you get butterflies and wish upon the stars when listening to John Legend’s you and I or Jennifer Hudson’s if this isn’t love (loll, that’s what’s playing on my phone right now),are you waiting for your knight in a shiny range rover or your damsel-not in any form of painful or respiratory-distress (only a select few will get this joke I’m sorry) to come seize you? Well answer me these;
• Who are you?
• What is love?
• Do you love yourself?
• Why do you love yourself?
• What are your reasons for wanting a body to love (shush, don’t let admin notice the pun)
• All these angst about needing or wanting (whatever suits you) to give your love to someone deserving of it, might it be a ploy to define yourself by someone else?
• What exactly do you want, a companion or a saviour?
• Are you happy being by yourself, are you fulfilled in single-ness or are you looking for completion in another?
What are your answers to these questions, could it be that all the feelings you wish to drown someone else in is something you wish you could give yourself but you don’t know how? Are you trying to find yourself in another? If I happen to be correct boo, then maybe you need to be single for a little while longer and maybe you should find out why you don’t know you and stop looking for someone to hide behind in the name of love, well if you can legit answer those questions, my advice is chase the bae down, tie him/her up and carry them to your house so they can’t escape, you might get arrested for kidnapping though, please don’t mention Gloria there o abeg, so that’s what I got for Val’s. your comments would be enough of a Val’s gift for me (although I wouldn’t mind a stabilizer and an extension box, PHCN kinda raining on my parade, I may be a romantic at heart but I’m also Nigerian so don’t judge).