Love is the most controversial topic anyone can write on and that’s because of our varied points of view. Most of us don’t know the meaning while some of us have experienced it first hand. In the write up, you might notice that I haven’t experienced love and you are right. I am just writing based on what I hear and what I see and mostly what I believe. I am going to be referring to the Bible too because that’s my own instruction manual.
Some believe in love at first sight, some believe in love starting off as friends, some believe love is sex, some believe love is saying I like you, you like me. There are different views about love, so many.
This love topic has been becoming more prominent these days especially with teenagers and youth. Everyday, people get married for different reasons. People have boyfriends and girlfriends for different reasons but they always say the word “I love you”. That phrase is huge in my mouth and I only say it when I really mean it. That’s why it’s special. It’s special because we are not meant to be throwing those three words up and down to anybody who doesn’t deserve it.
1 Corinthians 13 talks about love till the end of that chapter starting with verse 2: if you don’t have love in you, you are nothing even if you are capable of doing anything.
It goes further to now explain the features of this love: longsuffering, kindness, meek, humble, not hot tempered, not self righteous. Love isn’t happy at someone else’s downfall, love always protects, love hopes and doesn’t give up. Altogether between faith, hope and love; Love is the greatest.
Honestly speaking, love is scary and it is overwhelming. With all these features listed out. I don’t think you can fall in love with someone, then wake up and say you have fallen out love with the person. I think the only acceptable thing to say is the love faded. But that’s the thing about love, it can be rekindled. And as long as the two partners are willing and able, that love won’t ever burn out.
I’m not saying you can’t fall in love at a young age. You can actually fall in love if you notice all these qualities. I don’t know how it feels but according to first hand opinions, they say it feels different. It feels like the person completes you 🙂 or some say you just know. If you are thinking twice or doubting yourself or still liking one boy or girl by the side, it ain’t love.
Above all, God is love. 1 John 4:16b says “God is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him”.
You can’t love if you haven’t acknowledged the love God has for you! You have to let it seep in and think about it. That’s when love starts making sense.
Written by
Doyinsola Adedipe