Yes it really is isn’t it! Just yesterday I can remember my first day at Christ the Redeemer’s College in my oversized green pinafore, striped blouse and navy blue beret that kept falling out of place because it was oversized lol. Here I am now, just entering my final year of medical school and suddenly everyone’s asking what’s next?
Well I like to pride myself in my love for planning ahead and so the five year plan is in motion, but all of a sudden there’s a need to work on the details, it’s all up in my face now, so even though I know what I want to do and where I want to be there’s still this huge vacuum of unknown in the midst of so much planning lol.
But do you know what keeps me calm in the face of so much ambiguity? You guessed it – my best friend that is everywhere at once – God Almighty.
I can’t emphasize how much prayer is the key – especially in life choices – don’t go chasing after doors of opportunities without the key!