They didn’t say anything to one another as they sat with their eyes glued to the TV to see yet another episode of ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ on E! They had been like that all day. Thus, dinner was boring as there was no chatter or side talk from the girls. It was an unfamiliar atmosphere, but their parents didn’t think much of it enough to say anything. Perhaps it was a mere mood swing that would soon pass. Mr. Idemili kept chuckling as he read the Saturday Punch while his wife sipped on a cup of cold juice while grooming her fingernails. Osato stood up from the couch where she was lying down, walked up to her dad and gave him a kiss on the forehead, before addressing the whole family with a listless ‘goodnight’. Osasu just sat transfixed as she kept a clueless gaze on the flat screen before her.
On getting to the room Osato pulled a stool from the left side of her bed, climbed on it and reached for the highest section of her wardrobe, where she collected a book with an inscription ‘my thoughts’. She returned the stool and reached for a pen in the last drawer of her dresser. She turned the journal to a blank page and wrote:
Big Guy,
I’m here again to share my thoughts with you. I am actually not scared of telling dad about my pregnancy, after all, I’m 20 and I’ll be a lawyer in two years. It is my life! It just sucks to know that I betrayed my twin sister. To think that she trusted me enough to tell me every detail of her sexual adventures with Tayo and I took advantage of it, darn it! I am just a bitch! I blame the silly guy who didn’t realize I had a crush on him all this while and decided to hit on my sister. How would he have known? He can’t even differentiate between both of us. Don’t blame me; she always said she wasn’t interested. How was I to know she had given in to his proposal? And to think that she wouldn’t stop talking about how caring and attentive he is, I just couldn’t hold myself back. Yet, this wasn’t what I bargained for. He gave me so much to scream about and I didn’t care if he had a condom on or not when he proposed another round. I still think I haven’t gotten the best of him. Hmmm, if daddy agrees to this, I will marry him. What else can a girl wish for? He is handsome, caring, hardworking, and sexually proactive. It eez a zweet zomething. Meloveeey. Jeeez! Mum, how is she going to react when she finds out about my pregnancy? I guess she will have to live with it. The problem I am faced with right now is how to tell Osasu and Tayo about my ungodly escapade, and most importantly how to get him to love me more. There is nothing to forgive, at least he enjoyed every position I commanded; especially when I made him stagnant and hit him on the reverse motion. Naughty me! I’m sure she doesn’t give it to him that way; we both know she isn’t adventurous. Wow! I think I will just meet Tayo up for dinner tomorrow and unveil this secret. How do I tell the family? Hmmm, let’s see…Probably at lunch after church tomorrow. No, I’ll just send dad a text this night and we’ll talk about it in the morning. Yes, that’s it.
Thanks big G, you know I love you right? And yeah, I’m gonna testify in church tomorrow about how you rescued me from that ghastly motor accident. Mehn, you are indeed a Superman. Thanks so much for sparing my life so that I can be with Tayo; I love you and I know you got me covered anytime. Gotta go to bed now, and yes, I won’t forget to send the text message. Goodnight.
Chai, see the way my heart is beating fast ehn. Osasu calm down, you’re just pregnant, you didn’t kill a man, you only slept with one. After all he hasn’t said he doesn’t want the child. All he has ever talked about is how much he loves you. I will just tell dad before he goes to bed, that way I will stop bothering myself and he gets to talk to him at work on Monday. These Kardashians are just very lucky; rich and famous. Imagine how happy Kim is to have Kanye. Marriage isn’t a bad thing after all. We are making money, and now we get to train our child. This is the best feeling ever. I am sure when dad finds out he will give him a deserving promotion or something. The wedding doesn’t have to be crowded; it just has to be classy; probably on a yacht or in a plane. Mr. Idemili can afford it. Abi, why is he the marketing manager of Flobacom Communications? Osasu, chill. Ask yourself if you are ripe for marriage. Am I? Tayo is the only guy I have dated and we haven’t even lasted a year. Well, it is love over experience. When we get to the bridge we will cross it. I think I should just tell papa when mum has gone to bed so I can avoid her theatrical displays. Osato is going to be my chief bridesmaid. God, please, let everything go as I have desired; I have confidence in you. Make I see wetin dey happen for HipTV before I yarn paleh this news. Yeepa! Femi Ogedengbe born twins, come name them Nollywood and Hollywood, funny dude. Come to think of it God, if you give me a set of twins, that’s double blessing.
Mrs. Idemili exited the living room. Osasu sat up and with a million-watt smile on her face, she called her father’s attention.
“Hey dad, I have news for you.”
Mr. Idemili folded the newspaper and adjusted his sitting position as if to say – I am listening – then he heard his phone beep.
“I have a message. Can you please get my phone?” he requested.
Osasu came back with his phone and handed it to him.
“What is it you want to tell me?” he asked as he swiped through the screen of his phone to check his message.
“Daddy, I’m pregnant.” Osasu said in synchrony to Mr. Idemili’s text message from Osato.
He shook his head after a sigh and laughed, displacing the seriousness in her statement, “Another one of your silly pranks, I just love you girls. You got that sense of humour from me. Na me una take resemble. Goodnight darling.”
He replied the text message while voicing the same thing to Osasu in syllables. He walked into his bedroom and left her standing clueless.