If you want to achieve academic success it really shouldn’t be a herculean task, it can be as easy as ABC if only you know what parts of your life you need to focus on developing. Here is my simple advice to you “Learn all you can and remember all you learn” it sounds awfully simple right? I am sure you are disappointed; you were probably expecting a six step plan that if you follow religiously will guarantee success. The simple statement carries a great deal of wisdom if you can just read it over and over again. Yes! Read it one, two, three, four times. The statement is pregnant with meaning. Now that I have my hammer clenched in my fist let me hit the nail on the head.
“Learn all you can” – Effective time management: If you are going to learn all you can you have to dedicate an enormous amount of your time to studying. Time should be used with prudence because time is what life is made of. Waste your time and you waste your life. So develop your time management skills and avoid procrastination. Procrastination is the tendency to postpone doing something at a later time although it has to be done if not immediately as here and now at least very soon. In other words procrastination describes the human tendency to put aside tasks like reading for a test or doing your assignment before it becomes too urgent if you are a student. You must have heard about how procrastination is the thief of time ad nauseam. As a student I have discovered that having too much work to catch up on when exam is close is just work that accrued over time due to neglect or procrastination. Manage your time properly and you will increase your learning capacity.
“Remember all you learn” – Memory enhancement methods: Wouldn’t it be very fantastic if you could remember all you read before an exam. Imagine you could remember every minute detail like a punctuation mark. Just think about it for a moment. You sneak your course material into the exam hall but it is in your head and you are not worried about getting caught (This is not an advocacy for exam malpractice). You’ll ace all your exams right? It is actually possible to remember a significant amount of your course material if you know your way around it. Memory refers to the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. An impediment in encoding a particular course material will lead to it not been stored properly which makes retrieval difficult and difficulty in retrieval simply means you can’t “remember all you learn”. The point I am making here is that you need to understand how your memory works to be able to sharpen your retention ability. It is a lot and I cannot furnish you with ample information in just one blog post. So do yourself a big favour by going to your school library to study a book on psychology and learn how your memory works.
Guess what peeps? I have to get back to my jollof rice it is getting really cold, I couldn’t resist the opportunity of expressing my thoughts through this post I hope I didn’t bore y’all. I had to feed my thoughts some ink. Okay bye. Errrm one more thing, my birthday is around the corner okay bye and this time it is final. I guess I am just addicted to pressing this keyboard. And that brings me to this point – For those of you who think writing is a chore it isn’t, it really is just an opportunity to express yourself.