Heyyyyy it’s been ages I’ve written something right? Well I’m glad to break the cycle by being my own Feature Friday haha.
Today, November 25, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and as the IFMSA Program Coordinator for Gender Based Violence, I worked with other likeminded women and with input from Medical Students across the globe, we were able to produce a Women Ubuntu statement on Violence Against Women – which you can read here:
Women Ubuntu Statement on Violence Against Women
Aside from the statement, a couple women in the Nigerian Medical Student’s Association (NiMSA) joined hands with me to produce a nationwide photo campaign titled #NoToVAW – here are a few photo collations 🙂
Join in the conversation! Tweet, share and post a photo of yourself and put the hashtag #NoToVAW in your caption so you can join us in raising awareness about this societal menace – change begins with us!