She was trying to sleep but a certain scratch on the outside of her door was bothering her, and she had seen enough horror movies to know not to go check plus she is Nigerian. She closed her eyes and the scratching got louder, she still refused to go check. All of a sudden the scratching stopped, and she felt massive relief, thank God whatever that was is gone, she thought to herself. As she closed her eyes again the scratching started again but this time not on the door but on her bed frame……Now imagine she was deaf. Ignorance is bliss.
He was on his way to school, on his bike and as usual his headphones were on. He was passing his usual route, through the alleys because it was a shorter distance, a couple of miles to the school he saw it. It terrified him, it made him tremble, he could no longer ride his bike, instead he ran, he ran as fast as his feet could take him. He arrived at school relieved to see his friends and classmates; he sat down in his chair slightly panting from all the running. The teacher entered the class and he looked up, he froze and his blood ran cold, why? Because the teacher was it.
Now Imagine he was blind. Ignorance is bliss.