Hey people!
Today’s post is a bit of an expository one, in that I’d like to take you on a journey down memory lane with me. This isn’t happening because I’m super proud of what I used to look like as a younger teen *laughs almost uncontrollably*, this is because I’d like to show you lovely ETPBlog Readers that there was a build up to the self-actualized woman that I’m aiming to become in the nearest future.
This post is also for my younger readers in secondary school or doing A levels that are going through definitive transitions – this is to tell you that it will get better, and you will find yourself.
Exhibit A:
Loooook at my hair hahaha, in my mind I was slick and cool at the time! At this time natural hair wasn’t “cool” so I was doing all I could to look like I had relaxed hair without actually being relaxed – as you can see it wasn’t a good phase at all. *laughs in wasted jars of gel*
Exhibit B
Oh this phase when glasses were so cool that I’d get the glasses they gave at cinemas for 3D screenings and pop out the lens so I’d be “cool”. Being Cool really was an issue back then, but let me just tell you, if you find yourself bending over backwards (like ironing your hair because you didn’t have straighteners) – it’s not worth it.
Exhibit C
First of all – a mirror selfie INSIDE my house with sunglasses on? It amazes me how this never occurred to me as a problem at the time, all I cared about was how “cool” I looked.
Now, where was I going that day? The Mall. That’s right alllllll that for the mall. Let me just stop here, I can’t shout at my old self anymore than I already have haha.
As I said earlier – it gets better – through trial and error you find out what works for you and what doesn’t and you mould out a niche for yourself; you know what you stand for and why, and thus you’d put a foot down against things that contradict your morals.
So give yourself time, explore, laugh and learn at your errors, but most important GROW.
Hope you learnt a little something? xo